Spring redirect not working Unlike other redirect attributes, flash attributes are saved in the HTTP session (and, hence, do not appear in the URL). I change the "redirect:/files" to "redirect:/files. Apr 30, 2012 · If it is a Spring Boot application (I use currently the 2. Jan 14, 2018 · I have been working on a Spring Boot Application that gets data of a car (licensePlate and brand) and saves it into a database. When the UI May 22, 2015 · I am new to the Spring MVC. However, fundamentally, when you redirect to a different URL, it becomes a fresh request to the HTTP server. Constructors Sep 9, 2019 · why redirect not work in springmvc. 1 redirect to login doesn't work. It is Redirect is also not working. 1 RedirectAttributes is not working properly 3 Adding RedirectAttributes parameter causes "Model has no value for key" exception in Spring MVC controller method Nov 22, 2018 · Spring redirect not working, only showing redirect:/url in browser. add-mappings: false and it works but then, crazy to understand to me, I have no access to js and css files. Jan 26, 2021 · Redirect not working with Thymeleaf in Spring Boot app. Here is snippet from spring config file - Sep 25, 2020 · I have added Spring Security to an existing JEE application to add OAuth to the application. May 4, 2013 · When entering the redirect url manually everything works fine and I am logged in properly. Using @ModelAttribute and RedirectAttributes. redirect_uri=localhost:8080/login Authorised redirect URIs value in google api page : localhost:8080/login i have api created in my controller with request mapping as "/login". Unfortunately, the SAML-Redirect that works under Spring Boot 2. 1 - RedirectAttributes not part of model after redirect. Thanks! – Oct 8, 2020 · If you want to change the redirect URL, you need to add spring. 2 spring redirect does not change browser URL to appropriate URL. Always add I have a simple controller for a post request, after which I would like to redirect to another page. spring modelandview redirect not working in jquery Oct 29, 2021 · spring redirect not working. 0 release), the following configuration within the application. As shown in my code below im returning "redirect:/aucConfirm/" but when i initiate this i get a "This application h Apr 8, 2020 · in your root() handler method, you're actually just returning a view name (typically handled by a JstlView but here handled by ThymeleafView since you're using Thymeleaf), but that Spring MVC's web infrastructure (with your Servlet web container) will try to find and render. redirect-uri-template in the application. 1. May 25, 2017 · I created a sample spring boot 1. redirect to HTML page using spring boot / thymyleaf. Jul 12, 2016 · the above logic is woking in tomcat but it is not working in weblogic server please any body help me. This Nov 5, 2014 · I want to redirect after a upload, and want to redirect "files" page. 4. util. Share. spring jsp Nov 16, 2016 · It is still possible with @ResponseBody to do the redirect. Thanks Apr 5, 2012 · The method response. Spring redirect not working, only showing redirect:/url in browser. Redirect with Spring MVC 3. Spring http/web forward not working with spring-reactive. My problem is similar to this one, but in my case I want to redirect the user to the login page if he's not authenticated when he tries to access any page of the application. apps. One using ResponseEntity object Two using RedirectView object. Judging by many other sources RestTemplate should follow redirects by default if all I do is GET - similar issue here: Follow 302 redirect using Spring restTemplate? This is not a case, no redirect happens, am I missing something? The client_id should be an Oauth client id. 0 MVC :Redirect without parameters being added to my url. That means, the server expects all required attributes and parameters in the new redirected request in order to access that. 1. 5, and using the code you provided I've been unable to recreate the issue. I checked the document, but there is no information about forwards. How to make spring not to add all model attributes to a redirect URL? 1. ]*}") public String forward() { Mar 12, 2021 · Let's say you want to redirect users to an external URL when they make an API request. The problem is that, after a period of in-activity, the 'java' process is killed. The point is to make the browser go to another URL in your web app. is there any mistake? Here is my code: Sep 11, 2012 · I'm trying to implement RedirectAttributes feature in Spring MVC 3. Apr 26, 2016 · ConcurrentSessionFilter will redirect to expiredUrl, if the valid session ID is marked as expired in SessionRegistry, see Spring Security reference: - expired-url The URL a user will be redirected to if they attempt to use a session which has been "expired" by the concurrent session controller because the user has exceeded the number of allowed sessions and has logged in again elsewhere. Author Rossen Stoyanchev. No change redirect url after spring mvc 3. How to force Spring Boot to redirect to https instead May 26, 2021 · The way that Spring Security starts the Authorization Code flow is by first doing a redirect to its own OAuth2AuthorizationRequestRedirectFilter endpoint. Sep 29, 2017 · I am not fully sure about how this works in Spring 5. Modified 3 years, 1 month ago. I have tried to use addFlashAttribute in the POST request and redirecting to GET but the model object in GET does not contain the set value. Author Rob Winch. NET, you also have to include the endpoints in the Authorized redirect URIs on purpose that the OAuth 2. Pass Data from Thymeleaf to Spring Boot Controller Sep 9, 2014 · @RequestMapping(value = "/redirect", method = RequestMethod. Nov 13, 2019 · I am trying to redirect from a very simple controller to a jsp page that is located in resources/templates, but I don't want to use ViewResolver java configuration, instead I want to use application Oct 15, 2013 · Assuming I'm understanding your problem, the redirect will take place within the context of the AJAX call - so the JQuery AJAX code will follow the redirect and receive the response it gets back from /another controller here. GET) public ModelAndView redirect() { return new ModelAndView("redirect:finalPage"); } You may get a detail description from here: enter link description here The behaviour of your code is correct because you are saying that your redirectview url have be relative on context, but it have be a valid url and for this reason spring built it as a url, /my/page. See full list on baeldung. – This keeps the Servlet container from re-writing relative redirect URLs and instead follows the recommendation in RFC 7231 Section 7. 0 it should also work (not tested) Dec 24, 2019 · I have a controller class which implements GET-POST-GET redirect pattern. e. How to redirect from one html page to another html using Springboot. Spring Boot controller does not redirect. x. As explained in official documentation, App Engine generates [MY_CLIENT_ID]. Cannot connect to my app using https But somehow when I try to access the default Tomcat page, I can reach it successfully by "https://[hostname]:8443/" Aug 5, 2017 · The following code is working as expected without any issue in Spring Boot 1. Feb 22, 2016 · However, if user clicks on some other link, that expects the user to be logged in, user is rightly redirected to the login page. 3. but after submit successfully, the url in browser doesn't redirect, I also use firebug to check if there is any redirect, but not happen. You can find working example and tutorial that uses redirection from the product controller here. Spring Boot redirect HTTP to HTTPS. However, the process is executed periodically and the message is displayed, but the redirect is not performed. com Aug 26, 2019 · In this post I will show you how to redirect or direct the user to another URL within the method of a controller in the Spring Boot framework. 1 - RedirectAttributes not part of model after redirect 0 Spring RedirectAttributes results in "Cannot create a session after the response has been committed" error Dec 17, 2014 · I am on a project that uses Spring MVC 4 and Thymeleaf. 111. 0. YOu haven't provided a leading / so it will be a relative redirect (of the current URL). but after authentication it is not redirecting to the html that have mentioned using default target url in spring security configuration file. It has a request mapping on the controller @RequestMapping("ingredients") so it was redirecting to the index page of ingredients folder correctly but not passing the redirect message for some reason. Weird Behaviour of redirect in spring MVC. If you encounter the common problem. The security configuration is set to protect the REST API, and that part seems to work fine. registration. googleusercontent. Redirect from Spring boot REST API to separated react frontend. I have gone over and over this code and sure I am just missing something small, but just can not find the problem. setUrl("/admin"); return redirect; I will get a NullPointerException Dec 5, 2013 · Redirect not working with Thymeleaf in Spring Boot app. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 7 months ago. The customer was using a redirect service from their provider, and Apache won't redirect a redirect. By testing repeatedly I can see /recoverAccount is blocked and redirected to default login page, but not able to find what cause this. resources. properties file should be enough: server. servlet. xml I can indeed redirect from /hello to /goodbye; A String return value (without the @ResponseBody) refers to a ViewResolver and View technologies. Feb 26, 2012 · You need to understand that the point of a redirect is not to dispatch to a view (a JSP). So far, it is working, but I wanted to redirect to a side after the form submit and instead of redirecting, it only prints out the link it should go to. res. @Component @ControllerAdvice public class ControllerBase { @ExceptionHandler(value = AccessDeniedException. Modified 2 years, 11 months ago. See Flash Attributes for more information. So ideally the call should come here but its not working. May 26, 2022 · In Java Spring Boot I can not redirect from SSO to the originally requested URL after login. Instead, "redirect:features" is shown in my browser window. Any help is highly Oct 2, 2017 · I'm trying to write an application with separated Backend (written using Spring Boot, and Spring Security for login) and Frontend (ReactJS). But it doesn't redirect. view. What am I doing wrong? Is there some config file I need to modify? I am very new to Spring. Aug 7, 2017 · Spring MockMvc redirect not working. I change it to return "redirect:/ingredients"; and it finally worked. You could do it in following way which makes it possible that you still can pass the expected data in @ResponseBody (say json) and if some "usecase" forced you to do redirect. After execution, I receive no errors, but the redirection does not occur, it just leaves me on the page where I am located. If you don't want that prefix with / and give the full path to redirect to. For my case, it was a network configurations issue (URL rewriting). . 0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT. com as Oauth client id. I had to replace some deprecated code w Oct 20, 2015 · From Angular JS page, when I click on submit, request hits my RestService and after processing the request, I'm trying to do a response. public String handleFileUpload(@RequestParam String url,@RequestParam String fileName, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) { return "Cannot save file " + fileName; The problem is that the application is running in a non-SSL environment with a non-standard port behind a load balancer (F5) that forces SSL and the OAuth provider requires all redirect URLs be registered as https, but the Spring OAuth client (auto-configured with @EnableOAuthSso) will only redirect to the OAuth provider with the following URL Jul 7, 2019 · this is i see in the auth request when i try to login with google account. Spring boot controller not redirecting correctly. when I uploading app to Jira Software it is getting upload and also user is getting authenticated but as I am using angular I have to forward it’s page to index. So, if you don't have InternalResourceViewResolver or your request doesn't get into it during view resolution process, redirect is not handled. 0 server can send responses. 04. Spring MVC url redirection. 3. 13. Dec 2, 2021 · Since the intent of adding redirect attributes is very explicit -- i. For Spring Boot < 2. I am trying to mock a post request Which works as expected. In firebug or chrome tools I can see this get request to /login page, but my browser doesn't update. can redirects/forward to a controller work without a template engine configured? I think so, yes. Spring Security 3. May 2, 2023 · After a successful login, both will be redirected to hompeage. Spring Logout not working and redirecting. I am making post request via ajax Jun 30, 2017 · After deleting this file the redirect started to work. Dec 15, 2016 · As a response I get a ResponseEntity with location header and 302 status, but it is not followed. As far the flow is working. May 29, 2015 · Work with the framework not against or around it Share. I have no MvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer not any similar. Can any one tell me how to call redirect in Spring Boot 2. Note: While relative redirects are more efficient they may not work with reverse proxies under some configurations. client. 7. This is the controller: @Controller public class NoteController { private NoteService noteSe Apr 14, 2020 · So you are actually doing a redirect although it seems you just want to direct the request to a different controller mapping. This won't trigger a full page refresh but the response will be available by the JQuery AJAX code for rendering in the Dec 28, 2011 · I am using spring security for authentication. Spring Controller servlet redirect not happends. It is working on Windows without problems, but I having an issue on Ubuntu 14. The oauth2 server gives me an auth code and I can exchange the code for Jun 7, 2019 · Redirect: The request is redirected to a different resource; The client will see the URL change after the redirect; A new request is created; Redirect is normally used within Post/Redirect/Get web development pattern; If you just want to test the redirection run below without MultipartFile @AlanBE Another way of passing data to the redirect target is by using flash attributes. Here is my code: Jan 30, 2022 · Spring Security logout redirect not working. properties and set the redirect URL in the portal. To fix it I can change. Feb 23, 2020 · Spring MVC 3. 3 but not in 2. said that the problem is that you should configure the url rewriting in a full duplex way and resolve in the reverse proxy the problem, in fact for the code prespective if I'm currently upgrading from Spring Boot 2. The above image is how it should look like when the tomcat process is not killed. I am using the Spring release 4. Spring Web Flow ExternalRedirect using Mar 25, 2016 · Since these annotations are so frequently used together (especially if you follow the best practices above), Spring Boot provides a convenient @SpringBootApplication alternative. It's really simple at the beginning, but I ran into trouble with Chromium/Chrome for the Oct 18, 2014 · spring redirect not working. However RedirectAttributes class has two methods: addAttribute() addFlashAttribute() Have been reading Spring documentation for a while but I'm a bit lost. 2. sendRedirect() is not working in my program. Right now I'm struggling with accessing a secured endpoint after a successful login. I have an Azure PaaS instance running a Spring-Boot packaged 'war' inside a Tomcat8 container. Also as suggested, do not work with Transactional scopes at controller level but do it on service layer instead May 24, 2015 · but the problem is that redirect isn't working properly. Dec 2, 2013 · spring redirect not working. Redirect from one controller method to Apr 29, 2020 · I use Spring boot @scheduled to execute a task periodically. but not the html page that have configured. Oct 15, 2016 · RedirectAttributes not working in SpringBoot project Hot Network Questions Why is the PDF in Maxwell Distribution of Speeds simply NOT the derivative of the Boltzmann Distribution? Feb 25, 2013 · Spring redirect not working, only showing redirect:/url in browser. Dec 27, 2016 · I expect it should redirect to the /update service since type is passed as update. jsp" also not help. protocol-header=x-forwarded-proto This worked for me on AWS with an load balancer at the front. However, the redirection or the logging in with spring security does not seem to be working. But in the actual production environment the Aug 13, 2013 · spring redirect not working. Spring MVC + Apache tiles, form validation and redirect. You cannot redirect from POST methods UNLESS you have a handler method that accepts GET method and whose @RequestMapping accepts the value where you are trying to redirect. Let’s look at how we can have a different redirect based on the user’s role. 6 and deployed my two web applications A and B on tomcat 7 for the development environment. com" vs "where as "redirect:yahoo. Oct 9, 2020 · Spring MVC 4. The path you put after the redirect: prefix is thus supposed to be the path of an action of your Spring MVC app. [SOLUTION] I changed my code around and got it working. " it does not redirect properly and on my localhost an IllegalArgumentException is thrown in RedirectView. html which I do as follow: @RequestMapping(value = "/**/{path:[^\\. I get a redirect to the login page. 50. But I see that it is the add service that is being invoked. logging. sendRedirect not working as expected. security. Jul 1, 2010 · This happend because redirect: prefix is handled by InternalResourceViewResolver (actually, by UrlBasedViewResolver). class) public ModelAndView accessDenied() { return new May 28, 2022 · spring redirect not working. web. Sep 6, 2022 · Got it to work. sendRedirect ("b"); Just changes the response code to 302 and adds a location field, you will still hit the first controller, which is why you still see a in the logs. oauth2. Aug 28, 2024 · With mustache in pom. 10. Spring reactive rest service returning ServerResponse object Apr 4, 2021 · spring redirect not working. Apr 9, 2018 · I tried to configure the authorization code flow as a client. Thank you for your help! Here is what I've got now: Nov 1, 2016 · I'm trying to repeat the "Spring Boot and OAuth2" example from tutorial. 36. I'm not sure how we can improve the documentation there. html. Still the same old page appears on the Browser. Jul 27, 2023 · In this code, I try to authenticate the user and then redirect to "/xhtml/web. Since 4. I run the example with "gradlew bootRun". The page isn't redirecting Mar 13, 2020 · Springboot Controller redirect not working. 13 Spring 3. However, after login, the user is not redirected to link that was clicked, instead the user is taken to the systems page (systems page is the default target url). '/books/all'. If your application use languages and frameworks like PHP, Java, Python, Ruby, and . Oct 2, 2018 · I have a Spring boot application with Spring security. Spring MVC 3. com", and only the relative url redirection is working. 1 Dec 17, 2013 · In this case, I trimmed all that down just to ensure the GET->POST->Redirect->GET was working properly. springframework. 7 to Spring Boot 3. Hot Network Questions What peace proposals for Ukraine have been made that don’t require trusting Russia to Jun 25, 2019 · But when the redirect to /user fires, spring returns: User 'myuser' attempted to access the protected URL: /user . I considered deleting the question, and still will if the following is considered an invalid reason for leaving it by the community: that someone may have this problem in the future. sendRedirect – Jul 2, 2014 · In one of my controller method I am redirecting to another controller method and attaching model Attributes but I am not getting those modelAttributes in next controller method. oauth2Login() call. – Dec 5, 2018 · In what way is it not working? – Alan Hay. It works fine for Java Commons Logging, SLF4J, and Log4j 1. Seems to me security is set up properly, however the redirecting is just not working. Oct 12, 2016 · spring redirect not working. – partizanos Commented Feb 9, 2018 at 16:21 Nov 30, 2016 · Redirect not working with Thymeleaf in Spring Boot app. xhtml". Jan 20, 2017 · I think it is not working because the method in which you are trying to redirect to a url, accepts POST requests. 5. Aug 27, 2014 · spring redirect not working. What I want to achieve: Make a GET to secured endpoint e. Jan 8, 2019 · Redirect not working with Thymeleaf in Spring Boot app. Any help on this matter would be appreciated. How to do this in Spring Boot? There are two ways you can do this. Redirecting to another URL in Spring Boot is very useful when the user does a certain action and we must return it to the main page. RedirectView. I checked this post and verified that /recoverAccount is allowed for unauthorized access. If user not logged in, return 401. The following image shows the architecture of the application: My config class looks like this: Aug 23, 2015 · I'm trying to redirect all logging frameworks to Log4j2 in my Spring Boot application. Improve this answer. 1-Release I'm sending simple form to Post URL and would like to see the the value I'm sending in redirect: my Controller looks l Nov 20, 2015 · The problem is that the application is running in a non-SSL environment with a non-standard port behind a load balancer (F5) that forces SSL and the OAuth provider requires all redirect URLs be registered as https, but the Spring OAuth client (auto-configured with @EnableOAuthSso) will only redirect to the OAuth provider with the following URL Jul 31, 2013 · both solutions have the same command : "In short "redirect:yahoo. It doesn't redirect. Feb 7, 2018 · Describe the bug Using Spring Security with CustomUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter is not working with custom Form login in SpringBoot version 3. 42 Feb 12, 2017 · Getting redirect to the authentication failure url when trying to authenticate with Spring Security + Spring MVC 9 spring security does not redirect after successful login Oct 23, 2016 · Springboot Controller redirect not working. The code go through and sucessfully print out. i have added below line for redirection. spring. 3 app, which uses spring 4. g. Please advise me. The setRouteHost code is beingg executed, but redirection is not happening. Sending redirect from Spring controller. RedirectAttributes giving IllegalStateException in Spring 3. html is not a valid url. Logger is used by the Plexus Launcher at a time when the application classpath has not been fully Dec 31, 2020 · The connection timeout. Is there something I am missing? Any pointers would be appreciated. sendRedirect to an external application url. Viewed 3k times 3 . Commented Dec 5, 2018 at 10:28. When using redirect it creates a URL for the client to redirect to. here i created as a war and i am deploying in weblogic server. tomcat. If you don't explicity need to return a ResponseEntity you can redeclare your method like: . the response from the localhost server was not received at a certain time. 4. 2. Since for this use case, I was not passing any parameters, I figured any of the RestTemplate's postxxx methods that triggered pr1() was good enough. I am preparing a project for students in my class with Spring Boot (including Spring Security) + Thymeleaf. Follow why authentication-failure-url in spring security not working. Here is how to do it with ResponseEntity object: STEP1: Create a REST Controller which… Mar 7, 2014 · but at the end of my first method, the redirect isn't changing the URL at all. I tried adding a return statement just after the redirect call. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 1 month ago. Spring web flow externalRedirect with expression. Thank you for your time. i am getting simple message Success. When using "redirect:/. spring redirect not working. When I try to redirect after POST request by using: return "redirect:/admin"; or by using: RedirectView redirect = new RedirectView(); redirect. azure. 0. I want to redirect and jump to another page after the periodic execution of the task is completed. x does not work anymore. authentication is working fine. The tomcat process again starts only when I again make any sort of request to the server. to be used for a redirect URL, attribute values may be formatted as Strings and stored that way to make them eligible to be appended to the query string or expanded as URI variables in org. 0? Main class: @ Here is just a login page, when submit, the PostMapping does not handle the petition and anything happens. page not redirecting in Jul 24, 2012 · Spring redirect not working, only showing redirect:/url in browser. My company has an SSO authentication server set up and I can successfully redirect URLs for authentication, however, I can't seem to route the request back to the original URL (or save the original URLs location prior to the . RedirectAttributes not working in SpringBoot project. String id Oct 13, 2016 · Comment out <sec:access-denied-handler/> from Spring Security configuration and add following controller advice to handle AcessDeniedException and then redirect to access denied page. println("wrong user");, but the redirect to the google paged doesn't work. Unfortunately the Java Util Logging (JUL) redirection does not work because java. Share Jan 23, 2013 · return "redirect:/somewhere"; } The redirect attributes will then be available on the target page where it redirects to. I changed the postxxx to a postForObject and had the same result. Jan 8, 2017 · Please refer to this question, Redirect to an external URL from controller action in Spring MVC. Mar 20, 2023 · I have created one Jira Plugin using spring boot and angular in front-end. Is it happening because of some internal redirection from Spring Security Filter which might be killing those redirect flash attributes? This is my code : Mar 30, 2017 · Im having trouble using redirect functionality within my spring boot application. Related questions. ulfqcso cxsn zhvga mao wurb ypxvp qzodju bzazwiw ecmc opuqohz qbf frbez xphnuzoq kxtly qxb