Rhino move surface to plane. Nudge To move objects small amounts Hold the Alt.

Rhino move surface to plane Thanks, Dan Jan 11, 2025 · How to flatten or project the selected curve onto the working plane corresponding to the current view, you generally need to SetPt and then select the z-axis, and I want to ask if there is a shortcut macro Nov 4, 2016 · An easy way is to move “from where you are” if you only want to move a certain known distance. Were Apr 1, 2017 · Hello, Whenever i try to snap an object i can only snap to the ground plane. Our problem Feb 24, 2022 · hi all, Is there a command that allows two very different surfaces to align at a curtain point or line?. Select object to move, and pick the Move command. Attached is an image of the paneling I’m trying to achieve, where each panel is deformed by moving the centroid of the surface a specified distance to a point along its normal. Oct 30, 2019 · Hi everyone, I want to align a city model with too many mesh volume building on a flat surface. That said, "Orient3pt" will work in 2 steps. At the point to move to, type zero (0) and enter. Jan 8, 2018 · For the first example, please try to move from the lower corner the solid gold, vertically until hits the surface underneath. 3. Any advice? Thanks! Did you know that you should be moving your grid plane around when you navigate in Rhino 3D? This tutorial will show you how to move up down, left, right, fo Dec 24, 2013 · Hi, I created a polysurface by Boolean several surfaces (tried “mergesrf” for this, didn’t work). Now, I want to work with this polysurface (rebuild etc. It’s for printing with the laser cut and I’m pretty sure Rhino can handle this painful task so I don’t have to do it by hand. I want to break down my model into separate parts and sit them all on the same base plane for 3D printing, minimising the Z height for the build. subselect editing is really not for quality Feb 11, 2019 · I was thinking about the situation where there’s, let’s say, a top view and a clipping plane and I would like to snap on some clipping plane edges to measure. Lots of ways I suppose, but not as user friendly as a “Move to Face” command. Other ways of moving objects Drag Select and drag objects, including control points. Interval(-quad,quad) srf=Rhino. Jun 7, 2021 · Set your Cplane using the To Object option, and clicking on any one of those surfaces you want to fix. Extract copy of the surface you want the pebbles on. The surfaces move but in the same original rotation. 5. Where is the snap to surface command, or how is such achieved ? Steve Dec 7, 2016 · Hello, I currently have a set of curves in the Z axis. I am currently moving the C plane and rotating the surface till I get very close to the other surface but i would like to have the B surface be an extension of A, please see image. Video explanation (please watch for clearer explanation) A brief tutorial of the various different techniques to select objects in Rhino and how to accurately move them from one point to another. I try MeshIntersect and it asks me to select meshes to intersect, not mesh then surface. This snap should be the low point you're looking to move to the plane. start the Move command; Select the objects to be Moved; to finish selection; With the Point Osnap turned on, select the centroid point as the point to move from; type “0” to Move them to the 0,0,0 Jul 19, 2020 · Hello what would the process be to place the curves I have drawn so they lay directly onto the contours of the surface, this a pattern made with curves and a contoured surface I drew the curves above the surface but want the curves to run along the top contours of the surface, I hope that makes sense, the surface is a piece of wood we have cncd the curves are some pattern lines that we will Nov 21, 2014 · Set your Cplane to the bottom of the gold box. Python-101; RhinoAccounts; Demonstrates how to create a plane surface. Steps: Pick a new origin point or choose an option. e. Jun 14, 2018 · Hello, I am having difficulty in Grasshopper making a planar surface into a deformed surface. ) so I need to turn it into a surface. For example, if I want to put a glass on a table (assuming my table is planar but neither horizontal nor vertical …), then move this glass on the table. Geometry. GridSpacing*cp_obj. Nudge To move objects small amounts Hold the Alt. Cheers Nov 19, 2019 · E. ActiveViewport. That will put all of the points of a surface into a planar relationship. Turn project on. Since the monitor/screen is two-dimensional, it's easy to tell Rhino the x,y-coordinate of something you're drawing, but the z value is not possible to know so a construction plane is referenced and the z value is on the plane. Dec 24, 2024 · The CPlane command in Rhino sets the construction plane (CPlane) origin and orientation in the active viewport, providing a "tabletop" for drawing. I can't find a way to draw on surfaces, whatever I do: polyline, rectangle, etc. ActiveView. Any advice? Thanks! Nov 25, 2021 · Hi, V5 I have a surface (made from extrude curve) that runs into a mesh, that I need to intersect with the mesh. Now it's as easy as selecting the line and curve and moving the line to the plane. We make boat decking and use a 3D scanner. Then use the Perp Osnap to pick on the edge of the green box. This gets the objects rotation correct in relation to that surface. I know about SoftMove command but it works only with radial falloff not with linear one and I can`t see option for moving according to Normal direction. 1 units along Y-axis and no change in Z axis Aug 19, 2020 · I would like to move control points on the surface and on curve proportionally (mainly in Normal direction). Rather than have to select each base and move it down to z 0 i. Users can adjust the CPlane's position and rotation using several options such as aligning it with curves, surfaces, objects, and views. Aug 11, 2024 · This will make a plane surface from the active viewport’s CPlane to the grid extents: import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import scriptcontext as sc import Rhino def MakePlanarSrfFromCPlaneGrid(): cp_obj=sc. Go to rhino r/rhino This community is for professional, student, and hobbyist users of McNeel's Rhinoceros 3d modeling software and the Grasshopper generative modeling plug-in. If i try to snap a line to an object anywhere above the ground a white line appears and snaps to the ground directly below where i am trying to snap to. But I guess this will be avoided anyway because of the Snap to occluded objects - off. The gold box will stay on that plane. Pick a point to move to. Bear in mind that this will flatten any geometry that is not in a paralel plane to XY. 3dm (145. Jun 23, 2014 · is there a command that will align a surface to e. Type "v=y" (meaning, vertical equals yes). To remap the surface from this current CPlane to the XY CPlane, choose “Remap to CPlane Jan 15, 2015 · Hi, V5 (inc layer bug) Is there a command I can apply to a number of solids to drop them down to have their bases touch Cplane. Rhino. Sep 5, 2018 · I copied one polysurface several times whitout realizing I was moving them out of the plane I was originally working on. This will move the current CPlane to the Object. Mar 13, 2015 · Hello, I would like to move an object face on a surface, then be able to move this object without leaving this surface. 1, 0 … which means, move 100 units along the X-axis, and 50. 6. Pricing and Licensing . In the TOP viewport, select an end point on one of the curves you want to move. As you can imagine, most boats have multiple levels (steps) and angles (ie, angled footrests). The issue I had in the past with C-planes is that they’d get stuck in a weird spot, at an angle, and I never understood how to reset them to a default. I attached the GH file as well as the Rhino file containing baked geometry (in green) that I manually edited to snap to the Dec 2, 2014 · I was wondering, when i use the top view in rhino, is it possible to have the curves stay locked in the same plane, even though I want to use snappoints of objects that are higher/lower than the plane? I know that with the tab key the lines stay locked in the plane, but then also the direction is constrained. Normal for mesh points i use SetPt and select Z or Align from bottom but both did not work on this case? is there a way to define all bases and select all objects and say that align all on zero from their base points? Only way i Apr 9, 2021 · Hello all, I am finding the new Move Vertical command in Rhino 7 very useful and am wondering if there is a way to do the same type of move horizontally. May 25, 2021 · I hope I can explain this well. Or am I missing something basic? A work around is to simply change the CPlane, but it great to skip this. or you simply turn on the control points of the surface and tweak those. Use flow along surface command using pebbles as object, extracted surface as base surface, and the original surface as target. My way to set curves to a plane is to draw a line parallel to the plane but near the curve you want to move, then move the line with tangent osnap on which should snap it to the curve. Sorry if i am explaining this badly, i have attached a image to help Im not sure if this is relevant but no matter A CPlane (construction plane) is simply an imaginary plane that you do your drawing on. To point: type a relative distance, like so: @100, 50. You can also scale first and move the sub surfaces upwards. This command works on points, curves, surfaces, polysurfaces, meshes, and block instances. They stand on topographic mesh so their bases have different heights. So basically what I want is the tab function with a flexible direction… Did you know that you should be moving your grid plane around when you navigate in Rhino 3D? This tutorial will show you how to move up down, left, right, fo Dec 24, 2013 · Hi, I created a polysurface by Boolean several surfaces (tried “mergesrf” for this, didn’t work). Then. Dec 11, 2009 · 3. So now I have a bunch of polysurfaces all around my working area. Frequently Asked Questions. Oct 10, 2015 · Hi, My question is quite simple. We’ve been creating a new cplane for each new area and drawing the parts on those. I’ve tried to hit Ctrl to click snap option POnSrf but it’s grayed out. ” I never know in Rhino if my object is on the surface. Feb 26, 2020 · You need to be in the Top or Perspective viewport where the default Construction Plane coordinates line up with the World coordinates. here you’ve got an example: movetoplane. In Sketchup it snaps to the surface and tells you “on Surface. doc. How to build a curve over other surfaces? I would like to snap the curve’s control points to surfaces. e. the XZ plane ? If your surface is planar, select it then choose “Set CPlane to object” from the CPlanes toolbar. Unroll that surface to make it flat. I’d like to toggle between a default plane at 0,0,0 and a C-plane oriented to the object or surface I’m working with. May 26, 2017 · Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has a script that enable to drop object to surface / mesh ? I will really aprciete if you can share it. Hi, I want to move the surfaces I've made to the xy plane (to print and cut later) but I can't figure it out. Demonstrates how to move a surface's grip objects using RhinoScript. if you want to deform a surface in this manner keeping non trimmed properties, then you can either deform the input curves then surface them again, or you use CageEdit or Bend. You can either enter 0 for Z, or just click on a corner of your plane. From point; type 0 (zero) and Enter. best regards, David The projected object has the same control point structure as the original object, except that all the control points are projected to the construction plane. Select the surface Use SetPt, and then select only Z, and use the Align To Cplane option. Jan 16, 2023 · Then either press ctrl and drag the green arrow to move the origin of the gumball to your green plane and scale the surb surfaces with the green handle and a factor of 0. So I kind have to flatten to bring all of the curves in the save X axis, if it would. PlaneSurface(cp_obj. Move_Vertical_Up_To_Hit_Surface. Views. g placing an object on a surface. 3 KB) Another think that I can’t find a solution for is how to grip from intersection of the two surfaces from the bellow example. . Thank you Jun 21, 2021 · there’s a “move to plane” node in grasshopper, alternatively you can move them to the same Point3d by evaluating the area centroid, creating a vector from the centroid to the point you want the surfaces to be and “move” them along that vector. 4 Likes BrianJ (Brian James) September 23, 2015, 2:59pm If I wanted to make a small hole within an opening of that surface, I would either model it in 3d and boolean it out or draw it flat on the x plane and move/rotate it into place. GridLineCount iv=Rhino. Do this in the perspective viewport. g. How do I get an intersection of this surface and a mesh ? Cheers Steve Frequently Asked Questions. Sep 23, 2015 · You can also use regular old _Project to shot onto an arbitrary surface. In the FRONT or RIGHT viewport, snap to any end point of any curve currently on Z zero plane. Use an Endpoint osnap to select the corner of the surface as the point to move From. Place pebbles on that extracted surface. What I am trying to get to is to be able to merge co-planar faces in a Sep 15, 2021 · I there a way to be able to either copy or move selected object(s) from the active CPlane to another saved Cplane, or from a reference planar surface to a target planar surface, while keeping the orientation of the copied object(s) relative to the coordinates of both CPlanes or planar surfaces? Here is a picture that shows how I imagine the way it could work: Currently, that operation requires Mar 20, 2014 · Hi Sammy, Maybe I understand your question incorrectly, but if you want your modeled geometry to retain its volume and you want to reorient each one individually to the world construction plane, Orient3Pt is a very nice command and will allow you to do this with a great deal of control. May 18, 2020 · This one should work (Python script) AlignBottomToZero. I know you can lock with Tab, however it still wants to snap to points rather than just locking to the one direction of movement. 75 units. So I don’t want to accidentally snap on some endpoint below the clipping plane edge. in wireframe there is no line there to snap to, in solid I see a surface, but no snapping is happening. Includes how to se A brief tutorial of the various different techniques to select objects in Rhino and how to accurately move them from one point to another. Now,use move to relocate the top object into it's correct location . Call up the Move command and use the End Osnap to grab the corner of the box. I’d like to separate all of them and bring it to the X axis (in plan view). 4 KB). key and press an ARROW key to move objects in the world x-, y-directions Aug 10, 2015 · Let’s say I have a bunch of co-planar surfaces/trimmed surface that can be joined together, how do I merge all of them into one trimmed surface without interior edges? For example, lets say I have a bunch of square surfaces laid out in a grid, how do I turn them into one large square with no edges in the middle of it. Options Vertical Moves or copies the object vertical to the current construction plane. But I’m missing a whole realm of Rhino capabilities I think. Plane,iv Jan 9, 2018 · In this video we will learn a nice trick, using the Gumball, to move objects quickly to the origin. Pricing and Licensing May 28, 2018 · If you only need to move planar curves you can select all of them, use _setpt, check only the Z coordinate and input 0,0,0. I must be missing something. I`m on Rhino 7 WIP. the two options are about the same. You need to get a plane that represents the orientation of your faces. This is only happening in the perspective viewport. It will pop right up there without changing X or Y position. Set CPlane; Command-line options; Set Cplane. Type "move" or select "move tool" 4. Thank you Stylianos Mar 5, 2015 · Hi, V5, I am moving an object to have its corner snap to the surface of a sweep made from a circle. Dec 27, 2023 · I have an object like this I want to allign it flat as the flat plane there was a command like align2pt, or something similar, but I cannot find the keyword, any help May 18, 2020 · This one should work (Python script) AlignBottomToZero. GetConstructionPlane() quad=cp_obj. I run Intersect, select the surfaces, but only the surface is selectable. This flat plane is an only a simple example of my question. I find moving parts and placing objects in Rhino the most difficult. The more you work with rhino the faster and more intuitive things like this will get. 0 KB) Jul 20, 2015 · The coordinate you described would be used for a RELATIVE move, but because the Z value is positive. Is there any way to do it ? Thank you very much for your help. it would go up 0. Includes how to se a point to move from. Once the boat is meshed we use Rhino to develop fairly simple, mostly planar curves in the shape of the decking we want to CNC. First use orient3pt and select the corners that make up the surface that you are trying to apply to. Note: if you do not preselect the objects, there are some command line choices - one is World or active CPlane Zero, the other is whether you want your objects to move as a group (maintaining their spatial relation) or individually (all land at 0). Alternatively if you just wanted to move it to 0 on the same plane, type 'setpt', untick x and y, then type 0 as the destination. Mar 12, 2019 · when you subselect an edge and move it, the surrounding surfaces get rebuild into trimmed patches. #rhino_3d #rhino_move #rhino_tutorials-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Pleas Hi, what would be the fastest/best way to align the edges (make them plain) in my example (see screenshot) so I can Cap the surfaces? Thank you! The CPlane command sets the origin and orientation of the construction plane in the active viewport. Reply reply Exciting_Ad1742 I'm guessing that you create your reference plane from the centroid of your area (or something similar) This isn't a plane and will be assigned an XY plane at this location by default. Nov 12, 2017 · I would like to draw a curve (Control Point Curve) over polysurface. Can I make the equivalent of Blocks/Components in AC/Sketchup. A simple way to do this is to pass the surface into a PLANE Param and it should convert it. Regards, David Apr 27, 2021 · Hi, V5 I need to project a shape I have traced of Object1 from a photo of the object1 on a dome taken at an oblique angle to the dome (most folk take photos at angles, nightmare for scaling to correct size) I can turn my drawn dome to match the view in perspective view, I run Project command, select my traced object, select the dome and nothing appears, but wait, lets run select last created Apr 27, 2021 · Hi, V5 I need to project a shape I have traced of Object1 from a photo of the object1 on a dome taken at an oblique angle to the dome (most folk take photos at angles, nightmare for scaling to correct size) I can turn my drawn dome to match the view in perspective view, I run Project command, select my traced object, select the dome and nothing appears, but wait, lets run select last created Aug 5, 2016 · Is there a method to move objects and inference a point where they snap. If you want to move the corner of the surface to 0,0,0, start the MOve command. , similar to when you press tab along a line to restrict movement into 1 direction along the locked axis, the ability to restrict movement in 2 set axes. py (3. Cplane, something I could run, to do all in one go Nov 5, 2014 · Improved SetPt macro (moves to world XY plane from any viewport): SelCrv -SetPt XSet=No YSet=No ZSet=Yes Alignment=World Copy=No 0 Do you have an idea / a script how to Align bottom to world XY plane (Z=0) from any active viewport? Now Align reffers to current CPlane. Without grasshopper. gh (7. aga bxev jzlg gugmny ammdvzt ilt mdqmg mghw urx agz pmhn qwr acsxgd mdtn pafaiji