Oeb 2h fury. I’m thinking either Armoursmith or Axe Weaponsmith.
Oeb 2h fury 2h fury is VERY inferior for pure single target fights, however with current gear it pulls a head by a bit on short cleave fights. 90% of the time a Fury Prot warrior will not be using a shield. I am a human Warrior, so I already get the +5 Sword/Mace, and now I am the proud owner of an Obsidian Edged Blade, giving me 313 2H sword skill. Feb 15, 2025 路 Fury: Fury has higher damage potential with talents like Enrage but, Fury also takes higher incoming damage making it more beneficial if you have healer support while leveling. I started getting a lot of questions about my build and rotations as BRE is an insanely good 2h sword, even in raid environments. Say you're 2 handed Fury, even if you're an orc with Dark Edge of Insanity, you're going to have several problems. wowhead. 2h fury you really should just got with oeb or 2h axe. AidWiki. WoW Classic – Klassen Hey all. The consensus seems to be that with extremely short kill times, worldbuffs and good rng, flurry is a solid option for getting rng 100% parses with lucky procs. if you could get 2 1h's that were the equal of OEB, then they would probably be better--see: endgame naxx items. Especially is phase 1 before your tanks are geared. Nov 21, 2019 路 Note: The first point very much comes down to availability. Just make sure you stay in a WF melee group and you will be on par or above most other fury dps. 5 sec cast time or 1. its 6% with axe because of orc racial, 9% without an axe. I also have been using Princess Theradras' 2H mace. 313 weapon skill (305+8 from the weapon) means I am only taking a 5% damage penalty whenever I get a glancing blow, while at 300 2h axe skill I am taking a full 35% damage penalty whenever a glancing blow happens. 2H uses Quick Strike and 2x1H uses Single Minded Fury. Wie genau habt ihr geskillt ? Was für eine Rota benutzt ihr da genau ? Zur Waffe : Schwert oder Axt von Ragnaros ? Allgemeine tipps zum Furry 馃檪 ? Stats -Erfahrung Vielen Dank euch 馃檪 It's much better than TUF for every other race in the game. all I can say is, if you want to do fury, do it, just make sure you at least have your weapon skills maxxed and keep trying to anything to help get +hit, the issue your going to have is you have been so focused on 2 hand that your one hand weapon skills will probably be lacking. Later crul and thunderfury . For an in depth look at leveling talents for Shamans, see our guide, Warrior Leveling Guide & Best Leveling Spec 1-60 - WoW Classic . The arcanite cost is too high to be worth it. But I’m ally so 2h fury is much less impressive than dual wield. WoW Classic – Klassen. Pre-BIS 2h Fury for Orc with Arc Reaper Pre-BIS Dual Wield Fury OEB 2h Fury BRE 2h Fury Without Edgemaster’s Dual Wield Fury with access to MC/Ony Weapons I’m pretty sure BRE with Edgemaster’s is BIS from MC/Ony, but curious what the progression path to that point should be, if working to optimize. I started messing around with DW. Spinal reaper is a great 2h axe for pvp and "ok" for raid dps. It's either that or go Dagger Warrior with ACLG, Mugger's Belt, or Distracting Dagger. 596K subscribers in the classicwow community. Sometimes you sit there hitting them like a wet noodle and others I see 1k-2k crits popping nearly every swing. Also, almost every warrior I raided with used OEB at somepoint. 15. com present the most accurate wiki resources on the internet. Orc warrior fury prebis (minus HoJ and Savage gladiator chain) I just got obsidian sword and was wondering if it would be better to pve dps with 2h… Jan 12, 2020 路 2H Krieger Fury. However it's worth it to use OEB for a while because higher weapon skill reduces the penalty to damage from glancing blows. Januar 2020 um 11:52 21. However all these BiS lists and dps guides are banking on private server data that showed the proc buff at 50% or higher uptime. Dec 16, 2019 路 Hallo, ich habe ein paar Fragen. I understand that it pulls less dps than dw in BIS gear, but you have to fight with other warriors and rogues for gear, weapons in particular. As a non-human/orc, the only viable 2h in the game is OEB. OEB is the only way to get two-handed skill on a raid weapon, unless you play Human or Orc. Talent Spec: https://classic. You can Sim it yourself with the fight club discord spreadsheet. By default there's no 2h selected, so you can fill out all of your DW stuff and then swap the 2h slot from "sword" to OEB and see if your dps changes at all. I want to roll Ally on classic but im not sure how viable a 2H fury warrior would be on ally? Maybe a 2H slam spec is the only way on Ally? Without windfury i assume hamstring spam isnt used? On horde it is obviously viable. I would say it's more viable to play 2h Fury as human with OEB and salv. What is the best possible weapon I can hope to get my hands on right now? Ashkandi sounds nice for base weapon damage and attack power. The 2H swords are too slow it seems. WoW Classic. Ich hätte vielleicht dazuschreiben sollen dass diese Werte lediglich A guide on how to play 2H Fury using Slam. OEB does about 10% more damage to bosses than unstoppable Force for non-humans. 2h is viable, but OP is asking about being a top performer. But not having weapon skill with Dark Edge is making me really scared of the future. I personally don’t see why 2h fury gets so much hate at times. If you want to play as arms, just go all the way as arms. I am on horde, so I have windfury. A 2H fury with one of these is way better than a DW fury with preraid weapons. With that, and the pieces I've acquired since, I top our warriors and am usually top 5 for DPS overall on the raid. Because OEB is 3. 2h fury does not require Edgemasters Handguards if you have OEB! =D. When you dual weild your miss chance is a lot higher for white hits, ~20%, even in dungeons. The fury prot scales much higher than deep prot with gear but if you're in blues in a dungeon it's actually worse than deep prot, even for threat. Why would you want Tier 1 Gear for a Fury Prot warrior that will only use their shield for 10% of the raid? Fury Prot warriors stack +6 hit with 305 weapon skill and after that it's +Critical Chance >>>> Stamina/Armor >>>> Element resist >> Defense >>>>> Shield benefits. OEB and Draketalon Cleaver (if orc) will perform better on bosses just because of weapon skill. That’s only with wind fury, 2h fury is only considered better with wind fury. Try to sim it, but as horde, I guess that OEB will be better (2h fury is viable thanks to wind fury) The weapon skill impact is huge. With weapon skill racial there are other options, but a DW set up with equivalent weapons to a 2h setup will outperform. 2h fury I honestly find scales way better with entry level gear ( and especially with oeb) as you need much less hit % and you free up 5 talent points . Pre-raid you're going to be decent dps as a fury warrior with some +hit gear either way, though if it's 5-mans you may as well tank them in fury spec (with your 1h and shield) and choose who joins the party as the group leader. I was super competitive as a troll 2h fury war w/ OEB in phase 4. On boss DW is always better though. Hi all, so I was wondering is it worth sacrificing 1% crit for 20 attack power as a 2h fury warrior ? At what point is crit worth more than ap. The 300 strength proc grants both classes 600 AP for the duration. My weapon options would be - OEB 2H (still in fury spec) is pretty viable but mainly on trash and can even be optimal since better cleaves and WW and not always need of weapon skill. I'm really looking for items I can farm so that I can get by while waiting for my luck with the big ticket raid items. For OEB vs. In phase 1 it's near top DPS warrior with OEB + edgemasters on horde, the real issue is threat though, no way in hell you'll be able to go all out which really takes the fun out of it. However, main strength of 2H is cleave for trash and multi target bosses, and you won't have armor debuffs on all targets, plus those additional targets aren't going to be level 63 so not having weapon skill is not as big of a deal. A friend of mine insists crit isn't that important, and that ap is better overall. Most BiS lists and classic guides have The Untamed Blade (TUB) listed as current best in slot for 2H fury wars, and ret paladins. OP should check out the warrior discord Fight Club, it has extensive info on BIS and pre BIS for essentially all races. Had anyone had any success with this build post hotfix? I'm a new dps warrior to the guild and went 2h slam to be able to get a good weapon with no competition and be still viable in PVP as fury. I am hit capped with my OEB an have hit to spare even. For a fraction of the price you could buy off a raid leader to ML you a weapon. OEB takes you way above that, so drop your +hit gear to 6% and focus entirely on str / attack power / crit. How viable is 2 hand fury? 2h fury does not require Edgemasters Handguards if you have OEB! =D. The passive sword skill is really nice for dps. Fury 2h is stronger than arms when fighting 1v1s vs non healers, and your weps are very strong, also don't go for a treant's that shit is trash for pvp, wep speed is half the fight, although ur weps themselves are good enough to carry you through, even if a bit sub par. The reason why slam has always been hated is because it resets your swing timer. Both of these drops are 3-5% drop chance items from Ragnaros. 2H fury is very good for Horde, not so good for the Alliance. Even with +7 skill from miners hat. PvP Fury 2h isnt to bad but Arms spec hands down is better. 2H Fury Pre Raid Phase 1 is a gear set from World of Warcraft. Jan 7, 2020 路 Hey guys, I am seeing similar threads regarding hit % requirements but I haven’t seen one in regard to this. DW does scale harder later on though. 2H fury would be nice even with OEB since it isn't as contested. Crul-venoxis 12. For us plebs who didn't roll human or orc. The reason BRE destroys Spinal in multi-target fights is due to its proc. For alliance DW fury takes precedent. At the moment i have OEB from MC as well as DB from ony, and let me tell you, you feel like youre smacking someone with foam in PvP as DW, just go fury 2h. Reply reply So i have acess to full preraid BiS and Dal MH + OH and Obsidian Edge Blade. With OEB as a human, I still wanted to make it work. The only time you should ever be using 2h fury is on multi-targeted fights, in which BRE remains BIS throughout Vanilla. BRE is the best for trash mobs, but bosses have their armor stripped already by raid debuffs so the proc isn’t great. Your rotation basically looks like Auto->Slam->Instant->Auto. The entire concept for both builds is the same: hover above/below to continuously keep Consumed by Rage up, use Raging Blow on CD and don't hit 100 rage as this is wasted potential damage. Those two weapons are pretty comparable. A guy tested fury prot and deep prot with different tier of gear (pre-raid, T1, T2, and so on) and had lower TPS as fury when using the pre-raid gear. But ultimately, the damage difference in the DW weapons and the OEB could possibly make the difference. Posted by u/Samu3lsson - 23 votes and 64 comments Has an OEB now and maybe only a 50 dps increase overall. Only switched to dw fury once i got crul shorukh and dooms edge. It can do good damage if played well, and you being human could do well with UTB. Oeb giving +8 weapon skill on 2h swords made a big difference. 1. But it requires a good rage management especially on ally side. Reply reply Nov 30, 2019 路 So it’s better to go 2h fury on the alliance side, when compared to arms. com/talent-calc/warrior/02305020322-05500104005510051Swing timer (Weak Aura): No. But so does the Untamed Blade with that 300 Str proc. DW is the only way to go as fury dps now. started MC with Arcanite Reaper and arms spec, rerolled 2h fury, dmg was much better. Is it worth taking the Axe Weaponsmith route for Arcanite Reaper? I’ve heard that it’s very good for PVP because of it’s slow attack speed Hallo, ich habe ein paar Fragen. I guess you should add that to your misunderstood Don't DW with fury in PvP. You use 2H fury so BRE and OEB don't get wasted. Das ganze mit einer 2H Waffe, da ich vom Wz Totem profitieren möchte und mir 2H Waffe besser gefällt. Plus the blade looks so sick that I wanted to rep hard and still look badass doing it. In the Two-Handed Swords category. Also you get terrible glancing blows with it. Hamstring OEB vs slam OEB vs deep woods+frostbite vs frostbite+flurry. I was going along until I got the Thrash Blade. In total, (total damage dealt during the entire raid) which is the stat that matters, as it is what decides clear time, DW is far superior to 2H. If you wanna play fury, you can play 2h fury slam spec. Still, better than arms, plus you don't use a debuff slot from MS. You can never reduce the glancing blow penalty below 5%, and this happens at around 309 skill. Just using OEB and going with a 2h Fury spec running a Hamstring rotation is a very viable alternative to traditional DW Fury. I do realize that DW does more and am transitioning myself but it's a fun build. Its proc is 2 ppm and each proc is a 5% damage increase per target. But most fury warriors are only using 2h on trash on alliance because we don’t have windfury to make it viable. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. Also since weapons are pretty rare in Classic taking what ever weapon you can get is how it goes. Its a reward for finishing a quest for Maraudon. 40 seconds, some are even longer. 0 with talents, and your swing timer wouldn't start again until you finished casting. PvE fury dps would suit your needs. 2h fury is decent enough if you are Horde, due to WF, but on Alliance it isn't as good. Don’t have edgemasters (yet) and normally parse epic with a couple legendaries. Works pretty well. Because of this, OEB should usually go to non-Human/Orc warriors, while Human/Orc get priority on swords/maces or axes, respectively. I got an OEB for 2h fury and top charts no problem. But it doesn’t mean people who raid as DW Fury won’t want to PvP. 2h fury is unimpressive for raiding Reply I have an OEB. In general, horde 2h fury is fantastic dps due to WF totem and blood fury. On horde side 2h Fury can be just as good as 1h Fury because of how WF works. 2H arms is bad in PvE and takes up a debuff slot, don't play it. It has decent cleave, which is good for MC and BWL. Does it come down to preference or is there actually a true right answer? Jan 22, 2020 路 Hallo, ich habe ein paar Fragen. I remember having alot of fun on p1 vanilla classic in mc with the 2h sword obsidian edged blade on my ud warrior rocking the slam build. We asked Warriors to settle for a playstyle beforehand. 6). 2h fury does not require Edgemasters Handguards if you have OEB! =D On a related note. More than +8 weaponskill barely does anything, as such I'd advise to try and get bonereavers or later Ash'kandi. Source: almost fully geared MC warrior with an OEB and my guild has warriors with every weapon for comparison (spinal, oeb, bre, deathbringer, flurrys) Search for 'oeb for human 2h fury'. Which weapon set would do better overall DPS in a raid, dw Dals or 2h fury with OEB? So I'm a 2h fury warrior in my raiding guild, (alliance, human) and I'm debating switching back to dw. For the first two MC raids I opted out of the WF group and parsed much better than the other warriors, they ripped threat on trash too much. Not sure how I did it, but I parsed 96 on rag once. I've been 2h slam fury, Meme Dwarf, with OEB for awhile. Nov 17, 2024 路 Fury Tree Cruelty is a staple of all kinds of Warriors, as trading one talent point for 1% extra chance to critical strike is usually a good deal. 99% of top performers in BWL are using a DW set up. I raid with my guild every week so I'm specced as 2h fury with improved slam and 2h wep crit. Zu mir : Ich möchte mein Tauren Krieger jetzt Furror im Pve spielen. The only time you use 2h period is on multi-target fights in classic, for the rest you will use dual-wield. I’m thinking either Armoursmith or Axe Weaponsmith. We got a 2H Fury with Bonereaver’s already in the main group, everyone else wanted to go 1h. I’m currently up to 197 in Blacksmithing and I know that at 200 you can choose to be an Armoursmith or a Weaponsmith, if you choose Weaponsmith you can further choose between Axe, Mace, or Sword. The play style is much faster pace. The other 2 ways of playing 2h (threading slam between auto attacks and hamstring spam) are mathematically vastly inferior to the slam macro rotation. TUF is debatably better for pvp but some people prefer oeb for sword spec. Trash have lower level and thus won’t have the glancing blows. Jan 6, 2023 路 So i want to a warrior for first time in classic. As for is it better hard to know as there are next to no 2H fury warriors and hit can be an issue for non human/orcs. Been playing a 2h fury warrior horde on a pserver and having a lot of fun. On a related note. And given your limited gear, you won't be able to generate enough rage for perma HS. Kinda onnedge which wins/should win, especially since I dont like the thought of slam given the activation time but I think I have to try it. Tell your leader you’re planning on 2h Fury. The +8 Swords on OEB lets you drop so much hit, even if you’re not playing Human. Wie genau h… The big one early for 2h fury (iirc) is the OEB from MC (2h sword with +8 to swords). at that point. I think a good warrior should use all the available options including 2H I’m using the standard Improved Slam Spec in raiding content. I like to use this comparison to show how strong Weaponskill is for Bossfights: Assuming being a tauren and wearing strong MC gear without worldbuffs except DM, this is Ashkandi's DPS (883, no worldbuffs used) and this is Obsidian Edged Blade (894, same buffs), accustomed to 6% hit and thus allowing better, more offensively statted gear since being above 305 weaponskill means 3% less hit is Jan 30, 2020 路 Das ganze mit einer 2H Waffe, da ich vom Wz Totem profitieren möchte und mir 2H Waffe besser gefällt. But cba drama about 1 hand weapons so Will most likely be 2 hander. What is my soft cap for hit% now? I will likely keep trying to acquire it since it helps my white damage hits, but just wondering what the in vanilla I played a fury warrior from the get go. So the best way to cast slam would be right after your swing timer (auto attack), but slam still has a 1. For this weeks video, I decided to do my first ever "guide" or "tutorial" type of video. Your miss chance against a lvl 60 is 5% so pretty much every dungeon mob, besides bosses you won't miss much if at all with a 2H. What op actually wants to know: Why does dual wielding generate more rage than 2h the answer: it's complicated you swap to OEB over dal rends because OEB is just that much more powerful as an item, not necessarily because 2h fury is best. BRE has uses on trash or bosses with multiple targets, but it won't outperform OEB on a regular fight. Be careful with WF as 2h fury. 2H Krieger Fury. I switched to 2h initally because OEB dropped for me in my first MC and was a huge upgrade. Wie genau h…. Currently am 2h fury with OEB and sitting on 29% crit chance in fury spec and I can top the leaderboards depending on the fight. Reply Morph1ing • Arms is weaker DPS than 2h fury in raid enviroment. Every site also lists classic wows TUB having somewhere around a 7% 2h fury might be behind DW fury overall but might be better because of race (no edgies needed or less downside of not having them) Lets rule out Alliance because without Windfury, 2 handed fury is absolutely not playable. OEB is already bis for off-race 2h fury. Assuming the DW spreadsheet is based on flawless HeS queuing/cancelling, which is more difficult to pull off than the mindless HaS spam of 2H, it seems OEB would be more than a bit better than Frostbite+Serathil. The famous Edgemaster's Handguards only provides one-handed weapon skill. 2 hand fury with the untamed blade in BWL was a blast. For single target, SR or OEB should do better, but then you might as well go DW instead. So BRE is superior for AOE. Picking up OEB when you have no other weapon skill options is a pretty good way to do strong single target boss dps. Reply Morph1ing I'm an orc warrior with OEB, frostbite, flurry and deep woods available. BRE has the ability to beat OEB on cleave fights simply due to its higher top end. And then Bonereavers Edge proc sounds even more sick. so during that time, expect to be passed over for a rogue or The 42 strength from OEB is also nothing to laugh at since it scales with both blood fury and blood thirst. OEB 2h Fury pulls more DPS than 1h Fury with Dal’rends anyway, people are just chasing the meta insanely hard and won’t even contest that. Unbridled Wrath suits dual wielding well, as the more often you attack, the more often you activate this talent for extra Rage. On horde you can grab an OEB(+8 swords) and go 2H fury bc of windfury. You do have to get used to an imp slam build though. Alright I didn't see anyone say this so check this out: Both builds use Consumed by Rage and Raging Blow. I know, not the answer you want to hear, but your progression is pretty much stagnant. I would rather be arms (espec with today's PvP update) but Mortal Strike is a no-no in boss fights because it takes up a debuff slot That was my plan. You can get bad rng and rip aggro really easily. Obsidian Edged Blade is a more common 2h sword that drops off multiple bosses in MC but it's not as good as BRE or Spinal for pvp. Most 2H speed is 3. You can still go arms on the horde side though, thanks to the wf totem, without losing to 2h fury, Which is also due to the sword spec. Every stack of BRE's buff adds a 5% damage increase, per target, roughly. Slam is around 20% of the 2h warriors dps so 2h is no longer viable. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Oct 30, 2019 路 OEB is a little fast for 2h fury, but usable. If you go with anything other than the sword thec as arms then 2h fury still outperforms arms as horde, in pve. Reply reply Daxoss • Zin'rokh for the RP value obviously A non-Human Alliance warrior without Edgemaster's (or other sources of +weapon skill) are actually better off using OEB as 2H Fury since OEB comes with +8 2H Sword skill. 2H fury is great for dungeons. At what point does it really tip the scales to justify going dw vs 2h? Spinal reaper is a 74 dps weapon and OEB is a 64 dps weapon, yet in raids OEB hits way harder than spinal reaper. Nov 2, 2020 路 Grab an OEB and you can run 6%. If you have big bank respec to arms for PvP and back to fury for raids, get exalted and get the unstoppable force for ~100g. Always up to date with the latest patch (1. Same with Rogues to make sure Perdition Blades go to people who will raid with it. Dungeons, just use a 2H all the time, the damage is almost always better. This epic two-handed sword has an item level of 68. I am pretty sure Edgemaster's only work on 1 hand axes and 1 hand swords. Don't buy a krol blade tho. Main reasons are Bloodthirst scales really well with AP and tends to do moredamage the MS at this stage, You dont get Deathwish in arms spec nor improved slam. In that case your rotation may be more like Auto->Instant->Auto->Slam which is not quite as high damage. Such is the case for my warrior alt. Plus 2h fury is nuts in cleave fight so good luck catching them there. Slaughtr - Earthfury (classic) As others have mentioned, flurry is not a very strong wpn. Oh well, having world buffs and consumes matters more than anything else in classic. blue axes (Frostbite and Serathil, in my case), it shows OEB winning by a small margin (754 to 751 DPS with buffs). For an orc, dark edge is better than even Might of Menethil. 4, you may not be able to squeeze both slam and an instant inbetween autos when you have flurry active. If you join a pub and leave with an OEB you did extremely well for yourself. Many of the warriors in my guild got their OEBs out of MC before they farmed MH Dal’Rend, or bought an Axe of the Deepwoods. This was before BWL was out so we were basically just all waiting for a deathbringer, I went back to dual-wield once I got Doom's edge and used frostbite in off hand. Also, the default on the sheet is human with alliance buffs/consumes selected, so you need to change your race and disable pally buffs and the MH sharpening stone to put on WF totem. The more adds, the better you off are. It is looted from Magmadar. xuovimydrbdwhkvsfhmmkcuvfxzlegsdromdhfntqbicfdgzrhmtdorjvrtodynadvvuqqeizg