Lifting weights is bad for you reddit. Weightlifting and cardio.

Lifting weights is bad for you reddit You can do every lift basically every day if you program it right. If you take him to the gym, i would emphazise bw exercise, learning technique and hardwork, trough circles. Weight lifting is excellent for almost all people, but proper lifting form and proper lifting weight and proper lifting repetitions are weightlifting. Two months later, I found a gym that I could go to and I've been going there for around 2 weeks now. By definition, exercise tears down and tears apart muscle, which then recovers later and regrows. You’ll lose “weight” and muscle by just doing cardio. No. You can do cardio I between if you still want to get some exercise in. Have a big eating day the next day and you’re fine. lasagnaman is probably far enough along in the program to do 3 sets instead of 5. That’s pretty much what I used to do and I never hurt myself. I would say if you are the type of person that can fall to the common issues that plague men who lift, it should be avoided and some other way of keeping in shape should be used. I competed in both sports for a long time and IMO weight training is unnecessary for boxing unless you want to move up in weight. During that time your body will literally use itself for food. This is per the Stronger By Science Podcast, which reviews peer-reviewed literature. This is usually a tricky tactic to hide bad content, so your post has been removed. Do it enough and an hour passes by instantly. Happy lifting This is because without lifting a portion of lost weight will be muscle whereas with lifting it will be practically 0. I lift heavy stuff all the time but it’s part of living off the grid. You are correct in that lifting heavy weights will help you as a woman get a more toned, leaner physique but that shouldn't be the only reason you lift weights!!! Because of bad weather, I had to stop running daily. A huge fallacy within distance/endurance sports is that they should lift light weights for high reps for it to be more specific to the sport. So let's say that Tuna has a lot more protein 2s, but not many protein 1s, then it is more difficult to utilize it. Simply put: based on real life examples observed over the last 10 years, 100% of the people I know with the best results started at 3x/week, and 0% of the people I know who started at 6x-7x/week And whoever says stretching increases risk of injury when lifting weights, your mom’s a hoe. Touching my toes for example doesn’t seem realistic anymore in this life :D Fitness is more than lifting weights. It depends if you wanna run more or lift more really. I read that weight lifting can help with clinical depression. They felt good and I made sure not to hit my belly with the sandbag … but for some reason I came home feeling guilty I may have hurt the baby 😢 Reassurance needed. Keep the reps between 8-12 if you are trying to gain muscle mass. You do that until you completely stall out on your gains, and switch to 3 sets of 5 reps so you can keep increasing your numbers. Weightlifting and cardio. Thus, without the rest portion there is no muscle healing. My point is that I think the main motivation of weight lifting for most people is to conform to conventional beauty standards. You have to do everything if you want a healthy and good looking result. I had been lifting about a month at that time. You do not get stronger without lifting weights. You are not crippled and you don’t have to resort to silly Is your body supposed to be really sore for days when doing heavy lifting every time you do it? Are you supposed to do heavy lifting with the soreness or do you wait it out? I usually did endurance training for working out muscles (for boxing, I did like 2 sets of 25 dips), but I am now doing power lifting. There is a reason professional athletes don't do cardio all day and sit on their ass for the rest of it. Small preface, I've been power-lifting for just over four years, I'm 25 as of last week! As the weights keep getting heavier, I've started to wonder what potential negative long term effects powerlifiting can have on our bodies at more advanced / elite weights, and thought it would be a good discussion. The majority of women do not have the testosterone levels or genetic potential to pack on muscle like your average man can. 43M subscribers in the AskReddit community. You can try all the tricks to make things harder like TUT, drop sets, supersets, etc. You have to, in some measure, have repetition when lifting weights or the gains will be unimpressive if tangible. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Train just as hard as you would if you weren’t trying to lose weight. If you lift in a fasted state often you will adapt to it and the number will go likely go down to 10%. If you have no lifestyle preference, do not lift fasted. Depending on how muscular you are now, you may want to keep your reps at the 1-6 range to train for strength. But increased muscle mass and staying active has a HUGE effect on how well your body ages. If you are 300+ pounds, on all kinds of roids, or 40% BF, you're probably not healthy and your desire to lift big weights has hijacked your life and potentially become a liability. Track your calories and make sure you are in a caloric deficit and slowly reduce calories over time or add in more cardio when you hit a plateau in weight. If you want a cleaner looking comment, the markdown for that is: Hyperlinked Text. Since my body is only getting used to weights after almost two years, I went to the gym only 3-4 times a week. You also cant lift like you used to, especially if you have a family or a job. Plus, we don’t generally need weights to be any smaller. Then maybe you could stop hiding behind your cell phone and assume hard work and dedication don't go very far unless drugs are involved. Unless you are literally doing sets of 5 back to back or your work capacity is so in the gutter that a 3 rep set on snatch makes you breathless for several minutes its unlikely you will create anywhere near the level of respiration in your cells required to produce the heat needed to significantly sweat. See full list on legionathletics. If you compare people who have run almost every day for like 20 years to people who sit around and do nothing, you can guess who looks alot healthier and feels better. Lift weights to preserve and tone muscles and promote strong bones. Do cardio outside, preferably in nature (running, kayaking, mountain bike riding etc) because it's good for the mind and body. If the knurling of the bars you use hurts your hands, or you're worried about calluses, or if you find that in your specific case, gloves increase your grip, then by all means use them. Yes you may get to your goal but body recomp wise you may not like how you look, Aka “skinny fat”. Personally i would rather send my kid to some sport, and maybe control the diet in a way he would not notice, if he was supposed to lose weight. You just want to make sure to do dynamic stretching not static before lifting, and make sure you’re lifting with proper form and through all the ranges of motion for the exercise. You don’t just decide one day to take off your shoes and do your 1RM, but train your feet just like any other part of your body, be sure you’re “engaging” your foot during the lift, and build up the weight. 385K subscribers in the fatlogic community. I also discovered that i piled on more muscle than i did using heavy weights to exhaustion. . I took up home workouts after that. If you're deadlifting much more than your bodyweight then better shoes are most likely important for your form and body, but if you're doing more like equal to your body weight, which is totally normal for people doing weight training for running and other endurance sports then most shoes will not make a noticeable difference. Only do cardio after your weightlifting session or on a separate day. So, there is no real concentric phase. Just to maintain I need 2,800 min. If you are not lifting, you will burn off muscle. However, for general health, it’s very good for you and has a lot of positives that aren’t sinful. That means until you have 3 protein 1s, you cannot use a protein 2. Statistically the risk for injury lifting weights is really small compared to running or playing sports. I'm also 5'10" but weight 175lb. If you lift a lot and get strong, but then completely stop lifting, you'll lose the muscle in a year or two. Definitely not a waste of time. your heart usually will pump warmer Yea you’re all good on this. Fat too of course but at a similar rate so that your body fat percentage will stay high. in my opinion, there are so much to learn from sports than lifting weights. You need to stop only training arms. More important than that, though, is that you're building another healthy habit into your lifestyle that will help you maintain your goal weight when you get there! So when you work out/lift weights, you create a training stress. If you have a lifting ego, discard it because your health is more important. Like 2 steps forward 1 step back. Lift heavy ass weights. I do believe you should do thins you enjoy, but if you want to look “toned” then it’s best to lift, plus you burn more calories lifting weights AND cardio VS just cardio alone Include lifting weights in your daily regimen. If you're careless it's rather easy to hurt yourself lifting weights, running, playing sports, or doing ANY physical activity. edit: changed "reddit" to "/r/fitness" At 27 you are a little young, but that may be due to structural issues, genetics, a past injury, or lifestyle choices. i cannot recommend it enough. Which brings me to my second point, heavy is not a relative term. So if you want to have the look of someone 20lbs lighter, based on no lifting you actually only need to lose 10-15lbs. Heavy weight is different for every single person. How many people do you know who actually lift heavy weights properly while working (e. As a result you come to do compound movements and use the same background muscle, overtrain those background muscles ànd see no gains. In a way, it's a process of tearing and healing if you are lifting for more than toning. „Lifting burns tons of calories, and lifting weights while dieting will cause you to retain more muscle and lose more fat than just diet and/or cardio. Weight lifting isn't just about pure strength though, it's about endurance too. Fatlogic is anything that deviates from the scientific facts of body weight…. Your body needs a rest period for the muscles to heal. If you are trying to lose alot of weight your are going to be eating at a deficit for many months. If you did not hit your biceps or remember hitting them at all? I would def go see a doc, could be an iron problem or bleeding within the muscle for a bad In gerneral it is your diet but if you mean either weight lifting or cardio then lift weights. IMO, if powerlifting is a hobby that you will be heartbroken to give up, you should find a way to stick with it because it's part of who you are. Alot of these martial artists think lifting weights will have you like thise typical roided up bodybuilders . You can’t skip any of these imo otherwise you will eventually run into: bad posture, bad wrists, elbow/knee injuries …. It's just something that gets under other people's skin. Listen to your body and respond. Like when people grunt real loud, the influencer that stays on a machine for 10 minutes posing, or people taking the treadmill right next to you when there are 10 others that are free. If cardio is your focus, do that first, and vice versa. I did this because I was told that this can help with depression. If you’re consistently lifting, you’re probably gonna look and perform better than most people, anyway. Oh and don't worry about how much you lift, worry about form. which could be considered overweight but it really depends on your lean muscle mass. i discovered no matter how light a weight was (within reason) if i slowed the exercise down enough i would still get the 'trembles' without the risk of injury. Doing this you wouldn’t need a spotter as well . To someone who lifts 3 days a week, benching 250 might seem heavy, but to a power lifter that may seem like a warm up. I also bruise very easily, always have. And whoever says stretching increases risk of injury when lifting weights, your mom’s a hoe. Tl:Dr; You can drink in your 20s. Key is Jumping in here to say if the callouses are extra bad, heavy-duty foot cream or baby diaper ointment is great! I used to work in a restaurant and in the winter my hands would look like I got into a bar fight a few days prior, because they'd get dry and cracked from washing my hands with scalding hot water often, and then going out into the cold to deliver to I understand where you're coming from as far as lifting helping you mentally - I love lifting, and it has definitely improved my mood, focus, confidence, etc. The fact that comments like this are getting upvoted blows my mind. It doesn't happen every time, but it's an unpleasant surprise to be hung over after 4 beers. I also saw somebody else in this thread mention that when you're lifting weights and you start feeling pain, you stop. Yes, lifting weights is a non-sedentary lifestyle but there are lots alternative ways to be non-sedentary? At least for men, lifting weights is more emphasized because is conforms to male beauty standards. Boxing is a finesse sport, the techniques don't require strength. 95 votes, 67 comments. Like I said, it's hard to imagine that benching or overhead pressing could affect your height unless you drop the weight on yourself. Think of it like brushing your teeth, showering, combing your hair, and etc. The immediate benefits are joint health, increased strength, and improved physical appearance. Apparently weightlifting is terrible because it’s “so bad Jul 29, 2020 · Anyone can make common weight training mistakes — beginners and experts alike. When you lift weights micro-tears will happen in your muscle and once the muscle repairs itself it adds slight amounts of mass, please understand we are talking about perhaps a few extra kg of muscle as a lifetime goal. You need to start over as if you are elderly or recovering from something, with a heavy lean toward physiotherapy style exercises. Going from 0 weights to even a super simple weight lifting schedule will give you results quickly. Even if you do start lifting heavier weight, you'll need so many other things to be in place in order to add significant muscle, or at least anything that will slow you down. This is worse than not training enough and will lead to negative results. Studies I have read put that muscle loss at 30%-50% of weight loss if you aren't lifting. You can do that even doing air squats, then with the empty bar, then pyramid in weight up to your working weight. Feb 5, 2020 · In this article, I’ll break down the pros and cons of lifting weights as a way to get in shape (according to science and my personal experience). The issue with going by muscle feel alone is that it is simply easier to 'feel' muscle engagement at submaximal weights. then you can work up from How much muscle you carry is decided by the size of your bones and your hormones. By your 40s , if you still want to compete or lift heavy, drinking has to be limited. best way i would think to use them is for things like dips or pullups/chinups where you can't do a full rep when you first start lifting. Sure you lift it, but to do so you are recruiting muscle that you don't want to work in every lift you do. So far I have just been lifting weights in the gym and have never spent a thought on stretching. There is a big misconception that lifting weights will make you huge. With enough time and resources for recovery, you'll be fully recovered (and slightly stronger) in time for your next workout. As a natural weight lifter, your hypertrophy potential is limited and in no way will impede your boxing as long as you train your boxing. First, lifting every day isn't inherently bad, but it may have more downsides than upsides, depending on you as a person and how you implement it. There's no way. Extended fasting - which I assume you're not doing given you're posting on r/intermittentfasting - makes muscle growth nigh impossible. If you are doing a bicep curl, lift the weight with two hands or cheat (momentum) to get the weight up. Until then, my friend hope this reaches you well. But my. I think what you're saying is that you need to focus on mobility before you can safely perform this kind of strength training, but this paper and others, and my own experience, has shown that strength training is a great way to improve mobility, arguably the best way, and has more benefits in total than focused mobility training. Perfect the form and done . Edit: just saw that you were 20% weaker. If you are feeling self-conscious about your weight or anything. If lifting for MMA you will want to stay within a certain weight class. But it doesn’t compare. Yea. Weights get dropped, banged into other weights, and you want them to hold up to that for years without deforming. Like if you can do cardio after leg day & it feels fine, then maybe it is fine, & if it feels awful & you can't put much into it, then you self-select not to do it, not because of concern for disrupting the hypertrophy effect from training but rather because it just feels bad, but the result is the same - no cardio right after legs. Please update your post to use actual links and then message the moderators to have it approved. The ammount of recovery you need between workouts where you lift heavy weight increases as the weight you are lifting approaches the limit of what the human form is capable of, NOT as it approaches the limit of what your form is capable of. If you need to work on a weak spot on a muscle, use a lighter weight and do it in a higher rep range 8-12+ You will see bigger gains if you lift first, higher exhaustion threshold. The weight isn't heavy if you can lift it more than ~8 reps. back kept straight and lifting with the legs)? Weight lifters go out of their way to ensure that their form is perfect in order to avoid injuring themselves. hopefully after a few weeks of negative reps you will be able to do a full rep. Working out - in ANY form - is not a way to heal. We call those "newbie gains". Do this for every life in your workouts for each muscle/target day , for few weeks . Watch videos online and record yourself while lifting and compare the form . 3-5 if you are trying to gain strength. If you’re a sedentary person for the rest of the day after you lift and walk, 60 minutes of walking really isn’t a lot of volume. I find that 5-10 minutes of cardio to get you warmed up helps me and hits the weights until failure and rest until im ready to run. Same concept goes for cardio. Weight lifting, especially in combination with bodyweight exercises, can vastly improve your core strength and stability which can help you with just about everything you do. I would wager that you have muscle imbalance you don't know about. During bicep curls or something? I get bruised all the time on my clavicle and legs from cleans and the front rack position from the weight of the bar. You just don't want all your working sets to be that way. Continue to train the MMA movements with good form as well. As a user posted earlier, lifting is essential for bone density and ligament and tendon health/healing. The group that spread the reps out over twice as many days/ week made twice as much progress. You're probably fine, healthy, not too big, not moving weights that will kill you. If you just make it a rule to not do any exercise that hurts I bet your injury risk drops to almost nothing. Lifting will help prevent common tennis ailments and injuries of the knees, elbows, wrists, hips, shoulders, and ankles. Unless you're a competitive and large body builder (doubly so if you're on PEDs) I wouldn't worry about heart issues. You That's 100% your fault. If you don't want to lift then so be it, maybe its not your thing. Just go lift and enjoy after a while you will see results then perhaps your diet may change. physique goals aside, starting out with a lifting session has a ripple effect on the rest of the day in terms of mood and energy. Your body then gets to work recovering from this training stress by repairing the tissues affected (along with some other hormonal processes). Don't let anyone convince you against it because of their (successful) attempt to get upvotes through immature humor. Now if you love lifting weights and that motivates you then it's probably ok 1-2x per week as long as you train correctly. You'll need to be: Lifting heavy enough that you can only do 10-15 reps at a time This was for mma training. Ideally, these workouts (resistance and endurance) would happen on different days, but again, it depends on your body, goals, and other lifestyle If your weights or reps compromise that, stop & go down in weight or reps. You don't just walk in, deadlift your 1RM and then leave. You often do 45 mins - 1 hour and some exercises might be done for 3x15 reps etc so you're getting that eccentric heart hypertrophy too. At 60% it is just It analyzed the rate of back injuries in people that perform manual labor for 6-10 hours a day, lifting things that, while heavy, are FAR under the weight of a max effort deadlift by even an intermediate trainee. Avoid these four bad habits to get a better workout. start at the top of the movement, perform your negative rep, reset yourself, do another negative, etc. People who don’t have a lifestyle that commands strength will always be subservient to the nearest outlet (in this case lifting weights) in order to maintain If you do cardio first, you can push yourself harder in the cardio session because you aren't tired from lifting. The diameter of your standard 45 lb plate is actually a really useful size - a bar with a 45 on each side is at a pretty ideal distance from the floor for a lot of uses. Weight-lifting is absolutely critical if you’re either playing competitively or high-frequency. You're lifting heavier and heavier weight most likely because your body is recruiting more muscle fibers for each particular exercise, and getting better at using those muscles. I haven't looked into Tunas content, and usually animals have a good protein composition, it is usually plants that are more difficult, so most likely no issue. I'm 51 and lift 4 days a week, ride 2 and do physical work on my property. There are a whole bunch of activities that focus on muscles, strength, and resistance. Basically means you'll be able to lift way heavier than you would once you're finished cutting if you hadn't weight-lifted during your cut. If you are lifting weights for muscle gain then you should experience soreness associated with microtears in your muscle tissue. for those who were lifting pre-pregnancy, Did your OB give you a weight limit or just tell you too listen to your body? Last night we did sand bag cleans (CrossFit) at 70lbs. If you're lifting reasonably and not overreaching too often, you should be able to train for most of your life and you will likely be better off than someone who avoids the big 3 because "dangerous". You actually won't get that way from weight lifting at all. Not enough recovery time between exertion periods combined with bad form. There are tools like the kbox or weight releaser which allows doing both phase while overloading the eccentric. Do both. It looks like you're trying to use a URL shortener. Feel free to PM me, I would be more then happy to help you achieve you goals. It definitely did not relieve my depression. As a new person to weight lifting , a full body workout every two days is optimal. Late poster here, but I started lifting seriously a few months ago, and saw mention on this sub that lifting in running/trainers was bad. Some people find running "boring". Alcohol abuse hits you in your 30s. If you end up shorter because of something screwed up in lifting, you're stuck with that forever. Because the name of the game when it comes to not looking awful is FAT LOSS, not weight loss. None of the big guys at my gym work hard. I don't mind it. You've said in the past you're 5'8" at 230 or so lbs. On a side note if you take adderall, vyvanse, or ritillin it makes a very good pre workout. If you fail to lift 5 sets for 5 reps 3 workouts in a row, you lower your working weight by 10% and keep going. But so often on reddit and a lot of blogs all I read is "you NEED to lift xyz" or "you NEED to do xyz to get any kind of strength" because certain programs are so popular5x5, SS, SL all come to mind. You're under eating if you're lifting heavy 3x a week. Just go even if your there for 15 mins it's better than sitting on a sofa. As everyone already mentioned, no, you won't get big muscles from that weight. Think of it this way, having a big meal after a lift is great, but what if you dont eat anything the next day. For example, if you do weights in the morning, you can have a window of several hours when circulant anabolic hormones are increased, but then you run in the evening and your body shifts its "state". No, its not bad for your growth, there are some studies about whether or not you should do heavy squats and something about compressing your spine at younger ages but no. the post-lift breakfast might be the best part of my day, and starting my day like that almost auto-regulates my adherence to the overall plan. just make sure you're being mindful of If you find yourself sore all the time, you are probably over training. You do not get quicker/faster without lifting weights. But when you're at work you're more often going to push through that pain to get the job done. But there’s more rest and less full body involvement in lifting. There’s no reason for people to get insulted. I found that once I saw results and felt better I wanted more so my diet changed up. After a few years I’m realizing now that my flexibility has decreased so much. i brought myself back by lifting light weights, really slowly with perfect form. You don't have to proactively avoid exercises that other people say are bad. If you're just maintaining size/strength, a little lifting does, in fact, retain muscle mass - but be careful. And I'm often lifting/carrying/pushing heavy objects at sometimes awkward angles which is definitely not great on the body. Never ego lift , if you can’t 8 reps of the said weight don’t increase weight . com Aug 16, 2023 · One of my favorite parts of being involved in a strength sport is hearing all the ridiculous nonsense that comes out of people’s mouths. While macros are technically a daily thing, I sometimes think of it as a continuation throughout each day. Probably ought to talk to a doctor if you're worried about developing heart issues. Just get everything moving, get your core temp up a little, get the fluid in your joints moving around. TLDR: 2 groups did the same amount of total reps with the same intensity (weight). Don't do Stoppani's program on pre workout though, you might die. Chest / Back / Shoulders / Biceps / Triceps / Forearms / Legs. If you are eating enough, prioritize protein and continue to lift heavy I think the incline walking will have negligible impact on growth, so long as it feels sustainable for you. For me, i was sad and started running 3-4 times a week for a year and for 6 months after that I was lifting weights and then back to running for another year. When you load up a 1RM, you are not going to 'feel' it the same way despite the fact your muscles are engaged way more than a set of 10 at 60%. Upper back pain after arm day, etc. Overall, lifting weights is a tremendous way to build muscle, increase strength, and transform the composition of your body. That’s what they do. On some days we dread working out/lifting, but we just drag our selves there and just grind it out. g. If it is really easy I guess it could also help you warmup for lifting, but the same could be said to doing some squats/pushups etc before a cardio session and calling it lifting. Also have you tried pre workout? I don't think you can do anything but lift weights or be up for 8 hrs if you take it. While that makes sense on a surface level, the reality is that poor maximal strength is the biggest limiter to power output. After lifting you can stretch however much and however the hell you want. You just want to prepare your body to lift heavy weights. If you ONLY do it for aesthetics, I’d say it CAN lead you to sin. BJJ may have some of those same effects as well (it definitely does for me), and there's no denying that the social aspect of training BJJ beats lifting (though I personally enjoy However, if it suits your lifestyle then you might be willing to sacrifice the 5-10% of suboptimality for the most important thing: adherence. We also don’t know the severity of the herniation; as I said it is a universal issue and I’m not surprised that an MRI found something. Most of the reasons you’re giving in your comments could be said about any part of the body as a reason not to lift weights. Got a cheap pair of converse at TJ MAXX ($20!!) and it made a HUUUUUGE difference for me, especially with squats. Make it something you have as part of your daily schedule, rather than something you do when you feel like it. You are carrying the ultimate free weight set, your body :-) do body weight bearing exercises like planks and crunches or other types of things that you're able to do to start, there's a lot you can do in a folding chair or a chair that's very sturdy leg lifts, you can do dips by pushing your arms up and lifting your buttocks off of the chair and then allowing yourself to go back down and I think I talk for everyone here when I say you are not strong enough to lift that weight effectively. smvljfhv amrnm vxyimdu tsowgw sqp wvz lpfe dstc mzqmm uclo lyxjwiz biqmcy pxql baewp ovxjaoh