Hermione and bill fanfiction mate. "I'm here love, your mate is here.
Hermione and bill fanfiction mate They are 20 now. " Hermione finished solemnly. "Ah! Can't breathe Mione…" she let go. It not as dark as it sounds. Hermione had always been an early riser and Bill was usually the last to wake, enjoying a sleep in, but Romania was two hours ahead of Britain and that meant that Charlie always had to wake two hours before her in order to cross time zones and get to work on time, of course, that meant he was always the first one home at the end of the day When Bill and Fleur's wedding is interrupted by Death Eaters, a botched apparition attempt leaves Bill Weasley and Hermione Granger stranded in the middle of an unknown wilderness. Delacour. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 20 - Words: 31,505 - Reviews: 155 - Favs: 372 - Follows: 347 - Updated: 8/11/2012 - Published: 1/30 Let him go! Bill!" "Hermione, I don't know what this guy has been telling you, but he's not who he says he is!" Bill pushed Draco farther into the door, making him hit his head on the solid wood. Hermione se sentó, tomando té mientras Fleur le sonreía amablemente. Hermione licked her lips and gave them a nod, "Thanks. Just before the first sounds of the oncoming werewolves were heard Remus approached Charlie. However when it comes to fertility Veela are only fertile once they're in their thirties. W. She smiled and went to wash their dishes so Molly wouldn't have to. ] - Chapters: 13 - Words: 40,202 - Reviews: 139 - Favs: 417 - Follows: 635 - Updated **If one's soul mate is underage you will be given the choice of waiting until your soul mate is of age or moving on as if you haven't a viable soul mate. " Ron shook his head. It had to be nearly 10,000 galleons he saw them hand over although he didn't know for sure because they made him stay across the lobby as it was a Fred and George (her SOULMATES! EEEEK!) pulled Hermione into an abandoned classroom. Mrs. Oh bloody damn, no, no ,no, he was a giant fool. "Nothing I have ever seen compares to the way our mate looks," Bill said reverently. Will old feelings be revived? The house-elf bowed and touched a single finger to Hermione's forehead. And all at once a hundred thoughts and feelings rushed together and he came to a decision. He'd gotten an owl back from Ginny saying she hadn't heard from Hermione and one from McGonagall saying Hermione was safe, but that she wouldn't tell him where Hermione had gone. Giving Bill a knowing grin, the owner ushered them to a table. It was certainly true that Hermione had no interests in common with Harry and Ron. Ron finally released Hermione from his vice like grip, she was laughing and blushing, unaware that Bill's eyes were still concentrated on her. Since first meeting Hermione, Bill had often wondered what was the point of commonality that brought the three friends together, and had concluded it was their shared adventures. Hermione liked Ron. " Hermione meanwhile noticed a nondescript barn owl waiting in her room with a letter attached to its leg. Even the thought of causing my Mate pain makes me want to drop to the ground at her feet and beg her for forgiveness for even thinking about her discomfort. Weasley who added them to her bag and listened to the final instructions and warnings for Hermione's care as Hermione dressed behind a curtain in privacy. Remus' Return. A Boon for Bill a HP fanfic by canoncansodoff. " Hermione and Ron have always been on the cusp of something and faced with going their separate ways at the end of summer, Hermione knows this is her last chance to be more than friends. Meanwhile, Bill and Harry fought their earnest, when they heard Hermione, "Let me go, now, let me go. It had been hard returning to HQ after staying with the pack. "One last thing. "Not yet. What she saw in them frightened her. Just like how she belonged only to Hermione. Your urge to mate will be incredibly strong. He was his, just his. , Fleur D. " Bill challenged. lust. Madame Pomfrey gave nourishment and pain potions for Hermione to Mrs. Hermione trembled at the feeling of his breath by her ear. His Hermione, his little witch, his mate for a lifetime, he had married her today in many ways; he was mating for a lifetime to the right mate. Bill escorted Hermione to the restaurant, which he knew well from the last time he had been stationed in Egypt. "That's not all and Hermione you don't even know this yet. Is any soulmate bond worth such sacrifices? Nov 16, 2023 · Hermione Granger /Bill Weasley / Charlie Weasley Triad Fanfictions This list is for Completed Fanfictions that involve Hermione Granger, Bill Weasley, and Charlie Weasley in a relationship. Hermione whirled around quickly, drawing her wand as Harry and Ron leapt to their feet. Harry finally said something, "So what does that mean Hermione?" "It means if I wanna live to see Christmas I have six months to find my mate and mark him or I die. "Yeah Ron is being a prat, and while we can't say we know how you feel we know you must feel bad. Lead on," Hermione replied. Harry still needs me. Charlie Weasley went along with his younger brothers and sister and their friends never believing in the spell. " Hermione shrugged her shoulders and tried to be diplomatic. Hermione nodded. There was no blaming anyone else, much as she had tried to do so. Are. Hermione wasn't sure if they were hidden for the wearer, or for the public's eye. "The house is more of a problem," Hermione continued. So what do you need help with". Follow/Fav His Mate, Hermione By: clumsydolphin Hermione helps Charlie Weasley during the final battle and in the days following the war as the wizarding world begins rebuilding. They are the only ones that we would never hurt on the full moon, or anytime at all really. Clothes had not yet been discarded but it had been a close thing. More and more memories were coming back. Fleur nodded, her face turning thoughtful. Capture. Bill was off with their daughter and Ginny was standing at the stove pouring herself more tea. , etc. Things are never that easy, especially Fenrir on the loose looking for revenge. Bill started to move away, but she reached out and held Idea of Bill being her soulmate was like an air for Hermione and she would do anything to make it true. One. ***** Bill couldn't sleep. They both appeared in a dark room, and the house-elf hurridedly disapparated, leaving Hermione sprawled on the floor. Because I speak not just for them but as one of your godfathers and seeing you grow from a little thing. They were all stunned, but no one seemed particularly upset except Ron. Setting her feet, she turned on the spot and apparated to Shell Cottage. Hermione gasped, her legs paring voluntarily for Remus to shove his bare thigh in-between them. And with that she penned a quick note to Bill telling him she was checking Charlie's flat in case he'd gone to Hogwarts. " Sirius said. Bill was worried; she seemed very withdrawn and sad. Hermione blushed bright red and Bill whispered to her, "I told Severus that I wouldn't tell dad, he promised me nothing would happen. He was given a warm welcome, which was extended to Hermione when Bill introduced her to the owners. —Entonces, es una marca de emparejamiento, ¿no? —dijo Ginny causando que Hermione se sonrojase y pusiera su mano sobre la cicatriz, incapaz de ocultar su incomodidad. She looked up with wide eyes, and stared into his gorgeous blue eyes. "I know, I had to tell you guys before it got leaked out. Hermione joins Bill, Charlie and the twins in a pack bond, the only way she can avoid the death eaters clutches. My. I'm glad she is going out with you and giving up on remus. " Bill offered her a warm smile. And Hermione, I'm not leaving you out. " Hermione shook her head, tears threatening to fill her eyes again. Bill found himself rising from his seat and striding across the room towards Hermione, he pulled her in to a hug also and whispered in her ear "Happy Birthday Love". Your dad would actually agree with her. A mate is recognised by the inner wolf on sight and there will be the immediate need to claim and protect the mate from harm above all else. Weasley was smart, and he had concealed their scents rather well. Is Molly 'responsible' for his change of heart? When his inner wolf, Lobo, decides to hold Hermione hostage, the day turns into mayhem. She removed it and apologized for not having a treat and the owl looked at her with a bored expression and took off out the window again. I want all the help I can get to protect you, your wife, and I have to protect my mate, at least we're sure she's my mate anyway. Most of Bill's team would also be living there but he and Hermione had chosen to live in a Muggle location so that Hermione's parents would be able to visit them. Aug 26, 2023 · Hermione Granger found a spell meant to show who your Soul Mate is. Hermione looked upset with Ron and Fleur, "Ron, really!" In that instant, Fleur's heart broke into a million pieces. Now that she had a definite course of action, Hermione stood up from where she was moping on the bench. "I think I owe you an apology Ms. My name is in the book," she smiled at the young woman. " Bill looked at Hermione in disbelief. Later, he could straighten out his mean words. " Hermione laughed. If a wolf discovers their mate before they have reached physical adulthood, which is found to be around 16, the wolf will be able to hold back from physically claiming their mate until they have fully matured. A/N: Question of the day: Was anyone else out there bothered that JKR's Hermione was so shallow and her character so one-dimensional that she freaked-out when she learned that OWL results were arriving that day, not five minutes after Harry told her the After escaping from McLaggen's clutches under the mistletoe, Hermione steps away from the spectacle of Slughorn's Christmas party for a bit of fresh air and anything that will keep her occupied long enough to evade the self-absorbed wizard and another "snog fest". Hermione dozed warm and content in Fenrir's embrace listening to the sound of his deep voice. Farther north, Hermione hid a few feet away and looked at the scene; after a short while, she tried to get closer hoping to help Bill and Harry. The boys insisted that Hermione floo'd everywhere, so Bill went first, then Hermione stepped up after he'd vanished. Hermione had been acting strange since the day before. This archive features the best of Hermione's COMPLETED love stories along with a VERY few exceptionally well written WIPs. "Can you afford to stand its loss?" John and Helen Granger exchanged a look. Hermione sat, drinking tea as Fleur smiled at her kindly. He knew exactly who he was looking at, working with dragons had made him more in tune with different mating rituals amongst the species. Hermione stands and faces him. Spirits 'watch' the events and the wedding night with the right mate, not only hot and sensual. net or Archive of Our Own. That dark desire flowed through him, numbing his mind - the lust he held for his mate. "No!" Yelled Bill as Hermione disappeared before his eyes. "He's your mate, Hermione. Being Updated. She giggled as usual. She saw a sense of conviction, possessiveness, and…. Watch and learn my dear brothers watch and learn. " In order to save her, Bill and his brothers had to mate her. "Bill, mate, you are marrying your dream witch in a few minutes, everyone is waiting for you. It's been over four months and Harry hasn't heard one word from you!" Hermione looks at Charlie in confusion. Ginny slowly walked to the pair and wrenched Hermione out of Bill 'accidentally' discovers his mate on his wedding day to Fleur. It has a sex sceen in Chapter 1 so please dont read it if you arent mature. Bill was determined not to rush Hermione, and it was purely due to his desire to make sure that his mate felt safe and happy in his presence that he had been able to exercise any degree of control. " There is that silver lining; Hermione's with me. ' And for once Bill had to agree. "The things you just explained about Fleur and I will be yours soon. 'Wait, hang on,' Hermione said then flicked to another page in the book, 'The first forty eight hours is for bonding, you'll mate a lot, confirm your bond, but you would not have fallen pregnant. Later, much later, Bill and Hermione were stretched out on the couch together. "I'm still here, you know," Hermione said. Denique Una - Finally together. . Mate. "I thought you might be asleep, princess. Disclaimer: Not my characters, no money being made, etc. Bill estaba fuera con su hija y Ginny estaba de pie en la cocina sirviéndose más té. "I wanted someone to like me for me, not because I'm a Veela. Bill 'accidentally' discovers his mate on his wedding day to Fleur. results a few years back. Being terribly embarrassed she looked over at Bill; Bill grinned and then winked at her. "Mum, you may want to read this," piped up Ron, handing the letter to his mother. "Not nearly enough, Bill, but I can't think of a reason to tell you no, either," she rasped back. Just search for the specific tag or keywords related to 'hermione is bill and charlie's mate' and you'll likely find some interesting stories. Draco was not the only one to turn blaise Zabini, Theo Nott and several others had been changed to and it was only a matter of time until they claimed their had Yes, there are quite a few out there. AN: Fleur and Bill were never together. Wandless and forced to work together, the revelation of a Horcrux upends their plans to return to the Order. He looked nervous though, shuffling his feet and refusing to look her way. " "You don't get it. "Hermione dear, were you able to get a meeting with Kingsley? Did you eat lunch while you were out? Fenrir growled while tightening his hold on his mate giving another thrust into Hermione enlisting a small noise from her, his knot was now slowly dissipating. Hermione/Remus mate story with a short Sirius/Hermione relationship. She wasn't as successful as she might have wanted. This is a sequel to Hermione's Unobtainable Romance. Just as she began to drift back to sleep she heard the door open that lead to the room Bill and Fleur were using. Now Bill wasn't a dragon but werewolves have similar tendencies. Relaxed by the wine, Hermione was in the 'feeling' mode, allowing her body to enjoy. The only problem is Hermione has promised to help Harry on the horcrux hunt. Harry embraces his Veela nature, and his mate is Hermione. Lilly would have said that one day Hermione would be her perfect daughter-in-law. You can start by looking on popular fanfiction websites like Fanfiction. All stories are romances involving Hermione with one or more of the following: Adrian, Bill, Blaise, Cedric, Charlie, Draco, Fred, George, Harry, James, Kingsley, Lucius, Marcus, Oliver, Regulus, Remus, Severus, Sirius, Tom/Voldemort, Theodore, or Viktor After Hermione had explained in detail what she would need from Lavender, her soon-to-be sister-in-law immediately and gratefully jumped at the chance to plan Hermione and Bill's wedding, understanding perfectly well why Hermione would not want Molly to take over all the arrangements (Lavender had also had to contend with her well-meaning but He smiled when he heard the crack of arrival of Bill and kissed her forehead before walking away, patting Bill on the shoulder as he passed. " "Oh we're so excited, we already told Bill and the twins, and my parents mum is so happy. Don't wonder, it is Hermione's, and she is ours, our mate. Fleur sniffed deeply, getting a full dose of Harry's sweaty scent, and her Veela instinct went into overdrive, telling her here was a perfect mate for her. "Your right Harry. He felt the shiver run through her body. I'll keep you safe. Out the shadows came out Ron and one of the Aurors, they both looked like they had gone through a nasty scrimmage. Another safeguard from Apollo," she gave Hermione a hug, "wear the lyre and read the book. Four hours later and a second shower for Charlie after he and Bill went for a walk, Charlie and Hermione were gathered in the garden finishing saying goodbye May 6, 2019 · Hermione felt her heart drop- they hadn't used patronuses for communication since the days of the war, at least not in her field. "I'm here love, your mate is here. Hermione knew that Draco had to approach her and no the other way round, Draco had to feel in control so all she had to do was wait. As he did Hermione's body become enveloped in a swirl of bright lights and in an instant Hermione was gone. Lobo couldn't resist the: 'I told you so. It wasn't unlikely to find someone in the streets of Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley who had yet to discover their soul mate, either unable to find their hidden partner, or were hiding themselves. Sequel to Soul Mates. "Ronald Weasley!" she screams. Voldemort, Dumbledore, everyone and everything was just an excuse to hide from the fact that she had been foolish, had believed where it was hopeless and had taken risks where the price was betrayal and death. , Bill W to his mate, Hermione. In order to save her, Bill and his brothers had to mate her. "Hey Molly, Bill, Fleur. " Charlie explained while he paced, wand at the ready. "I don't want to leave the Aurors yet, Hermione, love," he said. "What are you talking about?! Bill he can't breathe, let him go!" "He's a werewolf Hermione! He's trying to take you as a mate!" "Bill let him go!" Hermione raced into the clearing where their tent was pitched, just as the pop of apparition sounded all around the glade. He could genuinely smile a little, and he brought Hermione's hand up to his lips affectionately. All throughout the afternoon Charlie would find himself looking at his little brothers best friend. Jun 30, 2013 · He muttered something about needing to find Bill but covered his emotions and smiled at his siblings turning away from Hermione and started up his story again. "Hermione," Harry's panicked voice called out to her. "You think if we sell the house, the new owners will be at risk in our place?" Helen asked cautiously. "Bring Him in!" Fenrir growled lowly, as to not disturb his lightly napping mate. "Run!" If Hermione were honest with herself, this was largely her own fault. she is not his type. "Wow…you're gonna have a baby that's great, congratulations to you both. The room was semi-dark, and when her bra came off, she tried to cover herself by coming closer to him. I haven't been the hostess to you that I should have been. It was far better to run than to stay and fight. Hermione finds out that they can be persistent, possessive, jealous, controlling, obsessive, aggressive, protective and dominant. "This is your home Mrs. Chapter 2: Other Hermione Plans. "Blimey Hermione, that's a lot to take in right now. "But Charlie, I…I write to Harry every week. Molly scolded as she wacked him on his chest. Most were wearing cuffs, or bracelets, or sleeves to hide their tattoos. It proved him wrong. "Oi, Charlie I bet ya three sickles you can't get Mione to join us. Hermione couldn't imagine the depth of the pain she must be in even though much of it was written on her face and in her eyes. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [Hermione G. No! Hermione belonged to her and no one else but her. " And with that Hermione went back to her book. Having Hermione so close was causing Bill's insides to battle, the wolf sensing that he finally had his mate. He wanted her needed her. Charlie was waiting, watching. Bill and Charlie looked at each other with a look that the twins has when they are upto something. " Bill whispered into Hermione's ear. Only his. "You were a fool to call for me that night,' Hermione's hips brushed against his, feeling the hard iron of his member pressed against her, his lips resting at her ear, nipping the earlobe causing her to moan softly, which led him to press closer to her. It was the second day of searching for the small band. Bill is getiing married. She cast a frantic look at her best mates before she made a quick decision. "Yes, I called my patronus forth, it will call my brothers and Hermione's brother to us. Draco was the Beta the pack, while Bill was Alpha. Be glad, I reminded you of our mate. You. Hermione walked over to him kiss him on his cheek and said " I think that it's sweet. L. They stood there, Fred and George facing Hermione, awkwardly for a moment, before Hermione broke the silence. When the ball of light materialized into the magnificent stag belonging to her best friend, Hermione could hardly control the fear coursing through her veins. Else's. "So, it's a mating mark, isn't it?" Ginny said as Hermione flushed and put her hand over the scar, unable to hide her discomfort. After that you can, it can happen when you are transformed or as your human self. Charlie had tired of his mother's nagging to settle down with a good witch and when this opportunity came up, had jumped at it, welcoming the chance to put a bit more distance between Bill sat back and regarded the witch sitting opposite him. Charlie awoke with a startle and sat up apologizing to Hermione. Mar 22, 2018 · Fleur is all set to marry Bill until she locks eyes with her mate, Hermione Granger, on the day of her wedding. What felt like hours later, but probably minutes, Hermione made duckling-like efforts to get to her feet. He didn't care - he didn't care as long as she was with him. Granger. But when Ron wants to date both her and Lavender, Hermione finds herself turning to an unlikely source of comfort, Ron's oldest and gruffest brother, Bill Weasley. Chosen Mate Ch 15. Remus had wanted dearly to stay with Hermione and guide her through the coming changes. Possible pairing(s): Harry/Ginny, Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Draco, Hermione/Bill, etc (I've read a lot of those kinds of fics and always wanted to write my own. So desparate moves required desperate measures, but at the end the question appeared. Hermione shrugged her shoulders and joined her parents in the sitting area of her suite. "We're really sorry are family is being stupid. "Hey there Mina Bean, what can I help you with?" Bill asked using his pet name he started using when she wouldn't sit still for weeks waiting for O. " He whispered as he held her tight. "Definitely. Fleur felt an overwhelming wave of jealousy and anger toward the red head. " Charlie tried a new approach. Of course, what was he thinking about, he had forgotten the obvious, that the wolf could care less for another female at this junction, there was only one female for this wolf, Hermione. I promise. Yes, Hermione was his mate. I have Hermione. Updates are currently every weekend between Friday and Monday depending on my school schedule. Are you ready?" Hermione nodded and the men waited as she rearranged herself on the bed so she was on her back again. Bill took Harry and Hermione quickly and quietly through the floo directly to his office at Gringotts and was a little taken aback at the sheer amount of galleons they traded over to Muggle money. Your sexual maturity is when you hit fifteen. So Hermione and Bill lead their two groups out to the forest along the edge near Hagrid's Hut and Remus and Charlie lead their groups down near the front gates. "Oh, yeah? You're on. " "Don't mention it Hermione," Fred said crossing his arms over his chest. "Harry," she gasped, "Ron. However "Bill are you okay mate?" Charlie came up behind Bill and pat him on the back. Hermione knew it was mostly to talk to him about Hermione's request and his own worries as he checked the wards nightly. The females produce pheromones that only certain males pick up. She'd let Harry eat her out, and maybe give him a little wank as thanks, so she could tell Bill that Harry was more skilled than he was in making her cum. Hermione was almost excited. Apr 28, 2009 · Harry Potter - Soul bond, marriage law, veela or werewolf mate, powerful/independent Harry. "My friend, if anything happens to me, please watch out for Hermione and Harry for me. "A mate," Edon said as his hand caressed my lower back, "is, as my Alpha said, our other half. May 6, 2019 · Hermione felt her heart drop- they hadn't used patronuses for communication since the days of the war, at least not in her field. Delacour sat down at the bench next to Hermione and chuckled ruefully at Hermione's expression. As a battle raged inside of him, Hermione was watching his eyes flicker from their usual green to a vibrant yellow-grey. Those Apr 26, 2011 · FenrirMatesHermione is an avid fanfiction reader and an active Updated: 10/2/2022 - Published: 2/1/2011 - [Hermione G. Mrs Weasley was duelling a death eater when she heard Bill yell. "My parents were going to name me Emma, you know, Emma Hermione," she laughed nervously, "but when they saw my soulmarks, they named me Hermione Jean "Definitely, Now if you'd all excuse me, I'm reading. Hermione is with Ron. Regardless, we need allies at the moment. Hermione, my love you were Hermione wanted to save Harry and change the past, but will the spell she found accidentally send her too far back? Loosely inspired by Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless. No. Hermione knew she hadn't thought or researched nearly enough, but with Bill so insistent against her, and her magic reacting to his presence as his mate, she was lost. "Thanks" Said Hermione. I have also added links to Archive of Our Own for several of the stories I added to this list using the "Why you added this book" section. Pairing certainly not set, there's many I enjoy). " Hermione greeted the three that were around the table having tea and chatting quietly. " "Good luck mate!-" "-You'll need it Summary: Everyone has an idea of what a Veela is, but once you get to know a Veela a little more, it turns out they were nothing what you thought they were. Pop! Hermione appeared outside Bill's home. " They all hear a snort from Ron and turn to see a smug expression on his face. " George said with a shrug. Of course! I'll talk to Bill…and then go beg Draco's forgiveness. The only question is, would they be tortured and killed or killed straight off? "Great news mate…you're gonna be an uncle!" when Ron finished Hermione squealed and hugged Harry around the neck tight. Three down – Hermione was making headway when Jay came up right behind and grabbed her. ssug aerj wytxv jfegmlz mipqq xzsziq usrzy aqbqv drh zwkn hiihb jtmvqi nrpas sjor indhb