Fairbanks morse 5400 pump V. 22 . Pentair acquires Visit our web site for all the brands we carry including parts for Allis Chalmers, Aurora, Crane Deming, Fairbanks Morse, Paco, Smith Loveless and Worthington pumps, call Abba Pump Parts at 1-800-268-5142 or locally at 905-333-2720 today! This kinetic energy pump uses centrifugal force to deliver water in a steady stream to create pressure. Feb 7, 2021 · AUTHENTIC MAGAZINE ADVERTISING. If you do not know the size of your pump, please email us a picture of May 25, 2017 · Join ABBA at WEFTEC 2019 in booth #3200 Use ABBA's promo code EVITE1208 for a… The 54-inch units are driven by right- angle gears and Fairbanks-Morse dtesel en- gines, as shown in the illustration. They are used extensively for pumping water from sources including lakes, cooling ponds, tanks, rivers and oceans. of vanes 2 suction size 5423: other: 4" or 6 Fairbanks Morse 5400 Series Non-Clog All parts, assemblies & All Models, Frames and Sizes complete replacement pumps 5700 Series Angle Flow All parts, assemblies & 10" through 30" complete replacement pumps 'T' Frame & 'L' Frame 2400 Series 12” & 16” Impellers, wear parts & rotating assemblies shafts or pump setting are required. Colt Industries sells the Fairbanks Morse Pump Division, company is privately held. 39 . Our inventory of pumps includes multi-stage centrifugal pumps, positive displacement pumps, reciprocating pumps, single stage centrifugal pumps and screw pumps in a variety of design standards including API 610 Centrifugal Pumps, API 674 Reciprocating Pumps and API 676 Rotary Fairbanks-Morse vertical shaft fire pump 4 stage 1750 rpm 1500 gallons per minute 150 psi 10 1/2" impeller. For more information, please select Details. Mounting arrangements include overhead, in-line or side-by-side configuration. Dec 18, 2012 · Fairbanks Morse Pump leads the industry in innovative pump engineering and manufacturing with a complete line of solids handling pumps including the 5400, 5700, 2400 and VTSH series for raw sewage, return activated, waste activated, mixed liquor and other process liquids with solids concentration up to 3%. Power Range 3,600 - 12,000 kWb. fleet deserves our unwavering respect and support. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Nos dedicamos a la fabricación de bombas centrifugas tipo Turbina vertical para pozo profundo y de columna corta, tipo Propela, Flujo Axial y Mixto, Horizontales de Caja Bipartida, Centrifugas Inatascables Horizontales y Verticales, de Flujo Angular disposición Horizontal y Vertical, para manejo de Pulpa de Papel y Centrifugas Horizontales en General. D5430, D5730, D2430 M, MT, MV, MVS, W, WD Submersible Solids-Handling Pumps Fairbanks Morse Pump Division, company is privately held. 6/11 Fairbanks Morse Pump FBM20 Submersible Basin Mixer Instruction & Repair Manual 3 The Mixer: DESCRIPTION The Fairbanks Morse product covered by these instructions is a submersible basin mixer. If you do not know the size of your pump, please email us a picture Fairbanks Nijhuis vertical turbine pumps excel at fluid transfer. This pump has three available configurations: horizontal (type SRW), horizontal close-coupled (SRWc) and vertical (type SRWV). com/Fairbanks_Morse/FPR_EN_7-2013U. 52 13. 06/11 5720 Horizontal Dry Pit Angleflow Pumps Data Section 006 Page 152 Notes: Maintenance Kits for Fairbanks Fire Pump 6" 5876FSplit Case Fire PumpOur Fairbanks Fire Pump Repack Kits include all the items that are typically replaced during the routine repacking of these pump. DIESELANDDUALFUELENGINES•DIESELLOCOMOTIVES ELECTRICALMACHINERY•HOMEWATERSERVICEEQUIPMENT SCALES•PUMPS•RAILCARS•FARMEQUIPT. Fairbanks Nijhuis pumps mean business. A. Over 16,000 employees worldwide. HJ Series. For pumps in the 5400 series (all models and sizes) and 5700 series (Angle Flow 10" through 30" T Frame & L Frame), we supply replacement parts for all assemblies, and/or complete replacement pumps, and most parts for 5900, 5500 and to properly install, operate or maintain your pump may result in personal injury, property damage or unnecessary damage to the pump. Opening to Install Pump B5431 & B5431K B5432 & B5432K B5432CLV 26. Get financing. Paul Voss Registered. I ordered packing, will get the rest of the stuff I need locally, gonna leave it old and rusty looking I think Fairbanks, Morse and Company was an American manufacturing company in the late 19th and early 20th century. 22 B5433 & B5433K 20. pentairliterature. The pumps shall be tested at the manufacturer's plant before shipment in accordance with the Hydraulic Institute Standards. , Nuestra Empresa se ha especializado en proporcionar asesoría para la selección, el cálculo, la fairbanks morse defense technology solutions We believe that every vessel and sailor in the U. We service all Fairbanks Morse water and wastewater pumps. The following is a list of those major parts or component assemblies and a brief description of their design and function. 5860. The FM 32/44 CR engine boasts the newest technologies in the area of medium speed diesel engines. $18,400 USD. Benefit from over 175 years of combined experience and a rich fire pump legacy, including the former Fairbanks Morse brand. com. More resources will be added here on a rolling basis to help you install or care for your pump. Fairbanks Morse Defense (FMD) has finalized an agreement to serve as the exclusive services provider for Buffalo Pumps, a division of Air and Liquid Systems Corporation. Our other water treatment capabilities are: High Purity Reverse Osmosis Systems (HPRO) Advanced Filtration Technology; Demineralizer Systems; Pump/Motor Assemblies; Salinity Monitoring Systems Click Image to Enlarge Fairbanks Morse Centrifugal Pump Model 4" Fig. For replacement parts for your municipal water, wastewater or sewage pump systems, including parts for Allis Chalmers, Aurora, Crane Deming, Fairbanks Morse, Paco and Worthington pumps, call Abba Pump Parts & Service at 1-800-268-5142 today! Fairbanks Nijhuis submersible dry-pit solids handling pumps have over 40 years of proven experience in the pumping of solids, slurries, sludge, pulp, trash, sewage and grit. To honor this responsibility, we design, develop, deliver, and service the best marine defense technology on the planet. These pumps were remanufactured by . From city water supplies to offshore platforms, these customizable pumps move massive volumes of fluid, often against significant head pressures. com American Fan Phone: 1-866-771-6266 Federal Equipment Co. Fairbanks Morse 5400 Series Non-Clog All parts, assemblies & All Models, Frames and Sizes complete replacement pumps 5700 Series Angle Flow All parts, assemblies & 10" through 30" complete replacement pumps 'T' Frame & 'L' Frame 2400 Series 12” & 16” Impellers, wear parts & rotating assemblies This kinetic energy pump uses centrifugal force to deliver water in a steady stream to create pressure. The HJ Series is made of five models, with fresh water capacities ranging from 192 to 3,000 gallons per day. Jul 6, 2009 · does any body have a fairbanks morse water pump? a small one i would like some pics thanks . Combustion Products, Inc. 99D4D 1 each rebuilt 0828-14-27 U. 5814 Single Stage Split Case Horizontal 5" x 4" 100 HP 1750 RPM 1040 GPM 125 PSI Dwg. See Product Datasheets for Additional Information Maintenance Kits for Fairbanks Fire Pump 5" 1822CFSplit Case Fire PumpOur Fairbanks Fire Pump Repack Kits include all the items that are typically replaced during the routine repacking of these pump. ABOUT US; NEWS & MEDIA; CONTACT US; 800-236-6930; 4 Mosey Drive, Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002; Disclaimer: HISCO Pump supplies replacement parts and pumps to fit a wide range of OEM pumps. CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW TO VIEW AND PRINT PDF DOCUMENTS! Fire Protection brochure: http://files. iniciándose en 1949 la fabricación de bombas y Maintenance Kits for Fairbanks Fire Pump 4" 1823DF Split Case Fire PumpOur Fairbanks Fire Pump Repack Kits include all the items that are typically replaced during the routine repacking of these pump. If you do not know the size of your pump, please email us a Fairbanks Morse Pump Div Colt Industries in Grand Island, NE specializes in manufacturing and distributing industrial pumps for various applications. Maintenance Kits for Fairbanks Fire Pump 5" 5876FSplit Case Fire PumpOur Fairbanks Fire Pump Repack Kits include all the items that are typically replaced during the routine repacking of these pump. If you do not know the size of your pump, please email us a picture Fairbanks Nijhuis Split Case Pumps. Testing a Fairbanks Morse water pump that we plan to bring with to shows this year. If you do not know the size of your pump, please email us a picture Fairbanks Morse pumps have long been a cornerstone of industrial and commercial fluid management systems. Please contact one of our Authorized Fairbanks Nijhuis Distributors to order repair parts for your pump. The biltogether arrangement features an impeller mounted directly on the high-strength motor shaft. Certified copies of the test curves shall be submitted to the engineer. 1/11 0 0 1965 FAIRBANKS MORSE 5 Year Warranty On Model 5400 Non-Clog Pumps Sales Art Ad - $14. Through our local service centers and distribution center, Fairbanks Morse Defense is committed to supplying genuine OEM parts to meet your operational needs. The pump is ideally suited for the new trench-type self-cleaning wet well design, non-clogging and highly efficient. Maintenance Kits for Fairbanks Fire Pump 6" 1823FSplit Case Fire PumpOur Fairbanks Fire Pump Repack Kits include all the items that are typically replaced during the routine repacking of these pump. 88 . FAIRBANKS,MORSE&CO. Fairbanks Nijhuis vertical close-coupled solids-handling pumps have over 100 years of proven experience in the pumping of solids, slurries, sludge, pulp, trash, sewage and grit. FOR SALE! 1965 FAIRBANKS MORSE 5 YEAR WARRANTY ON MODEL 5400 NON-CLOG PUMPS SALES 274609633741 Feb 27, 2007 · Fairbanks Morse Pump. 1997 | Pentair acquires General Signal Pump Group, comprising four name-branded businesses - Aurora, Hydromatic Layne/Verti-Line and Fairbanks Morse. With a focus on quality and reliability, the company provides pumping solutions to a wide range of industries and clients. solutions. Perfect for pleasure boats or small work boats, yachts, cruisers, tug boats, fishing boats, survey vessels, offshore drilling and production platforms, offshore supply vessels, USCG and USN vessels, and many other applications. Fairbanks Morse Pump 1590 Single Stage Vertical Inline Pumps Basic Pump Dimensions Section 012 Page 062 NOTES: 1. $361/mo. 3 billion. •MAGNETOS 5400—Verticaland HorizontalSewageand TrashPumps 5400K-—Verticaland HorizontalSewageand TrashPumpswith BladetessImpelfer JO—Paper IckPumps Min. Fairbanks Nijhuis boasts a rich legacy of more than 200 years of innovation and quality, meaning you're getting support you can trust with every installation. 5413 vertical for flexible shafting 5433 vertical biltogether 5443 vertical close coupled 1775 rpm no. Fairbanks-MorseBuilding,Chicago5,III. Fairbanks Nijhuis Pump In addition to our vortex pumps, Fairbanks Nijhuis manufactures a Welcome to the Pentair Fairbanks Nijhuis Manual Library, featuring a collection of operations and repair manuals for select Fairbanks Nijhuis Pumps. We deliver an advantage to the U. It reduces initial constructions costs with 40-70%, compared to conventional wet-pit/dry-pit designs. Fig. The pump is available with a dry motor installation, in a wide range of flow rates, pressure heads and construction materials. All parts are original OEM PartsPlease select pump size. These pumps are specifically designed to pass solids, trash and long, stringy materials. de C. They require less floor space A wide variety of pumps, pump systems and turbines serve multiple applications including water treatment, sewage and waste water, fire protection, flood control, maritime & dredging, desalination, irrigation, oil & gas and hydro power. Merger with Penn-Texas to form Fairbanks-Whitney, later a division of Colt Industries. Using electronic injection, high efficiency turbochargers, electronic hardware and variable valve timing, the FM 32/44 CR is a synthesis of the most advanced large engine technologies available. 2011 | Nijhuis Pompen BV becomes part of Pentair, Inc - ‘Global Leader Fairbanks Morse Sewage Pump Parts. Offers pump bowls from 4" to 57" (101 - 1,447 mm) in diameter to meet pumping configurations. Fairbanks Morse Pump © 2011 Pentair Pump Group, Inc. Fairbanks Morse Hoy en día, los mercados buscan socios de negocios que piensen y apoyen de manera sostenible. Age 78 Last Subscription Date 09/19/10. 5 hp, 208/230/460 volt, 3450 rpm, max of 500 gpm. Most sizes of this pump type are executed with an adjustable wearing cone on the outside of the pump. How Do Fairbanks Nijhuis Vertical Turbine Pumps Work? Fairbanks vertical turbine pumps generate centrifugal force with a rotating Fairbanks Morse Defense and Maxim Watermakers offer a complement of water treatment and water handling equipment. En Fairbanks Morse. A wide variety of pumps, pump systems and turbines serve multiple applications including water treatment, sewage and waste water, fire protection, flood control, maritime Fairbanks Morse Pump © 2011 Pentair Pump Group, Inc. Abba Pump Parts: Fairbanks Morse Sewage Pump Parts We service all Fairbanks Morse water and wastewater pumps. Jul 6, 2009 Somos una empresa 100% Mexicana dedicada a la fabricación de EQUIPOS DE BOMBEO de alta calidad y durabilidad con más de 25 años de experiencia, Fairbanks Morse es una marca registrada y protegida para su uso en la República Mexicana propiedad de FM y FH BOMBAS HIDRÁULICAS, S. Fairbanks Nijhuis 5700 Series Angleflow Pumps Manual Subject: FM-03-510 03/19/15, fairbanks nijhuis, 5700 series, angle flow pumps, installation operation and maintenance, pdf Created Date: 3/19/2015 2:45:58 PM Fairbanks Nijhuis 5700 Series Angleflow Pumps Manual Subject: FM-03-510 03/19/15, fairbanks nijhuis, 5700 series, angle flow pumps, installation operation and maintenance, pdf Created Date: 3/19/2015 2:45:58 PM Dec 15, 2017 · Browse a wide selection of new and used FAIRBANKS MORSE Pumps for sale near you at MachineryTrader. 020 46. Buffalo Pumps has been a quality manufacturer of centrifugal pumps since 1887 for the global maritime defense and commercial markets. Head / Pressure Range: 10 to 2000' TDH. Fairbanks-Morse Building, Chicago 5, III. This large pump has a pumping capacity of 156,000 gallons per minute and is, therefore, able to empty For replacement parts for your municipal water, wastewater or sewage pump systems, including parts for Allis Chalmers, Aurora, Crane Deming, Fairbanks Morse, Paco and Worthington pumps, call Abba Pump Parts & Service at 1-800-268-5142 today! Pump Flow Range: 40 to 50000 gpm. Pentair Aurora and Pentair Fairbanks Nijhuis Fire Pumps have been leaders in the industry for decades. The Pump Shop Missouri Machinery & Engineering CO in 2008. Constructed out of cast iron, bronze, stainless steel or other machinable materials. By our unique understanding of the product lifecycle, our proactive planning and with your collaboration, we are able to ensure the right parts are available to meet your requirements. Age 54 Last Subscription Date 05/05/2024. With the Pentair Fairbanks Nijhuis product line, Pentair offers the industry’s most complete set of solutions, products and services to municipal and industrial customers. El Personal de Fairbanks Morse está comprometido a contribuir para un mundo mejor, teniendo como objetivos primarios: preservar el medio ambiente, proteger a la sociedad y hacer prosperar el negocio de nuestros clientes. Ball Bearing Single Stage Centrifugal Pump Enclosed End Self-oiling Duplex Power Pump PRINCIPAL TYPES OF (‘E FAIRBANKS MORSE & ALLIS CHALMERS PUMPS 10” 5400 Series 10” - 24” NSY 10” - 30” 5700 Series 8000, 8100 Split Case 2” - 16” 5800 Series BEST IN CLASS FIRE PUMP SOLUTIONS. 020 26. Thread starter Paul Voss; Start date Feb 27, 2007; Forums New posts P. The Quality Assurance program is Somos una empresa 100% Mexicana dedicada a la fabricación de EQUIPOS DE BOMBEO de alta calidad y durabilidad con más de 25 años de experiencia, Fairbanks Morse es una marca registrada y protegida para su uso en la República Mexicana propiedad de FM y FH BOMBAS HIDRÁULICAS, S. 020 37. Running it with a Fairbanks Morse 6HP model N. Unit has sanitary quick clamp, 7. Quality Assurance Pumps are to be engineered and manufactured under a written Quality Assurance program. 5 to 91 m) 092613 2400 27 cross-sectional drawings and parts list 16" and 20" 2414 Cherry Burrel stainless steel centrifugal pump, model 60H2, 200 series, with 3" inlet and 2" outlet. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for FAIRBANKS MORSE PUMP of Fresno, CA. Will Batty Subscriber. centrifugal, steam, and power pumps for all classes of service, including ball bearing, single stage and multistage pumps, and enclosed reciprocating pumps, stock, sewage and trash pumps, screw pumps and turbine pumps. Maintenance Kits for Fairbanks Fire Pump 6" 1824BFSplit Case Fire PumpOur Fairbanks Fire Pump Repack Kits include all the items that are typically replaced during the routine repacking of these pump. Power Zone is a leading global supplier of new, used and reconditioned pumps for sale. Additional replacement parts may be available by request. Known for their durability, efficiency, and innovative engineering, Fairbanks Morse pumps are designed to handle a wide array of applications, from water and wastewater treatment to oil and gas processing, chemical manufacturing, and more. 100 to 75,000 GPM (22 to 17,034 m 3 /hr) capacities 20 to 700 feet heads (6 to 213 m). Variations exist in both the equipment used with these pumps and in the particular installation of the pump and driver. Est. Round Opening to Install Pump 46 48 50 52 52 46 68 70 48 58 58 68 58 Weights: Pump and Motor 210T 640 860 1075 1085 1135 850 –– –– 1070 For replacement pump parts for your water, wastewater or other liquids, including parts for Allis Chalmers, Aurora, Crane Deming, Fairbanks Morse, Paco, Smith Loveless and Worthington pumps, call Abba Pump Parts at 1-800-268-5142 or locally at 905-333-2720 today! Fairbanks Morse Sewage Pump Parts. Maintenance Kits for Fairbanks Fire Pump 4" 1823AF Split Case Fire PumpOur Fairbanks Fire Pump Repack Kits include all the items that are typically replaced during the routine repacking of these pump. All dimensions in inches and (mm). Feb 27 For replacement parts for your municipal water, wastewater or sewage pump systems, including parts for Allis Chalmers, Aurora, Crane Deming, Fairbanks Morse, Paco and Worthington pumps, call Abba Pump Parts & Service at 1-800-268-5142 today! ABOUT US; NEWS & MEDIA; CONTACT US; 800-236-6930; 4 Mosey Drive, Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002; Disclaimer: HISCO Pump supplies replacement parts and pumps to fit a wide range of OEM pumps. Founded in 1823 as a manufacturer of weighing scales, it later diversified into pumps, engines, windmills, coffee grinders, radios, farm tractors, feed mills, locomotives, and industrial supplies. Turbine bowls can be staged in series to produce the necessary discharge pressures. Vertical pumps offer distinct advantages over horizontal pump construction. If you do not know the size of your pump, please email us a Fairbanks Morse Model 5972-3in Horizontal Multi Stage Split Case Centrifugal Pump. This manual applies to the pump installation, operation and maintenance. Fairbanks Morse Pumps for sale. S. 2007 | Pentair sales = $3. pdf For replacement parts for your municipal water, wastewater or sewage pump systems, including parts for Allis Chalmers, Aurora, Crane Deming, Fairbanks Morse, Paco and Worthington pumps, call Abba Pump Parts & Service at 1-800-268-5142 today! Sep 25, 2006 · Re: Fairbanks Morse Typhoon Pump ? After two years of extensive dis-assembly and re-machining, a friend and I restored a 1917 FMZ 3hp engine and paired Typhoon pump (2 1/2" x 5", #T36610, 8 gpm) to operating condition. Click Image to Enlarge Fairbanks Morse Centrifugal Pump Model 4" Fig. , Nuestra Empresa se ha especializado en proporcionar asesoría para la selección, el cálculo, la Vertical pumps allow you to place two pumps where only one horizontal would fit. The integral stainless steel motor shaft is sealed by two me chan i cal seals with an oil chamber between the seals to provide lubrication for both Fairbanks Nijhuis can supply many different drive configurations with your vortex pump, including motors, V-belt drive or direct coupling drive. If you do not know the size of your pump, please email us a 3 Fairbanks Nijhuis® GENERAL The Model D5430, D5730 and D2430 pumps consist of several components. Designed for general liquid pumping and booster applications. If you do not know the size of your pump, please email us a The Fairbanks Nijhuis vertical turbine pump is an energy efficient and reliable pump, suitable for various liquids and applications. Fleet with a growing array of best-in-class marine technologies, OEM parts, and turnkey services – all from a single, trusted source. Maintenance Kits for Fairbanks Fire Pump 6" 1823CFSplit Case Fire PumpOur Fairbanks Fire Pump Repack Kits include all the items that are typically replaced during the routine repacking of these pump. 20 2 Motor Shaft, Mechanical Seal, and Seal Housing Data for Above Pumps Only å45JM4Ži6JM: :eŠ4JM4Ž6JM Dðùblè :Möt0tFtatñêSiŽé Shaft Diameter At Impeller Sealing Box Mechanical Seal Charles Hosmer Morse acquires control and forms the Fairbanks Morse Company – manufacturer of scales, diesel engines, electric engines and industrial use pumps. 06/11 5420SP and 5420BP Horizontal Self-Priming Solids-Handling Pumps Performance Section 007 Page 004 This pump eliminates the need for additional dry-sump, suction piping, dehumidification and sump pumps. Whether you choose one to move water, manage pressure, or fight fires, they get the job done. The pumps hove o combined capacity of 325,000 GPM, • • • for every pumping FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Top models include 6 IN 1590 Series Single Stage Vertical Inline Pump 1590 Series Coverage Chart 3500 RPM Section 012 Page 002 Fairbanks Morse Pump © 2011 Pentair Pump Group, Inc. The Pentair Fairbanks Nijhuis’ split case pump is the right choice for a wide range of applications. El nombre y prestigio de FAIRBANKS MORSE se extendió por todo el mundo y nuestro país no fue la excepción, ya que el 1945 se inicio la distribución de todos los productos en la República Mexicana con tan buenos resultados que se decidió crear MANUFACTURERA FAIRBANKS MORSE , S. 78. Pentair Fairbanks Nijhuis Space-Saving Vertical Split Case Pumps are known for their reliability, and the Model 1820 builds on that reputation. The suction elbow, base, volute and impeller are identical to other configurations. They have since been unused. Fairbanks Nijhuis submersible dry-pit solids-handling pumps have over 40 years of proven experience in the pumping of solids, slurries, sludge, pulp, trash, sewage and grit. Fairbanks Nijhuis horizontal solids-handling pumps have over 100 years of proven experience in the pumping of solids, slurries, sludge, pulp, trash, sewage and grit. The Fairbanks Nijhuis single-stage horizontal split case pump offers long, reliable service with no maintenance. Dec 24, 2023 · These pumps, today, vary in size from the high-speed direct-connected centrifugal pump of one and a half inch capacity to the huge fifty-four inch screw pump which can be connected to a 180-horsepower Fairbanks, Morse & Company's oil engine. This pump configuration exceeds the characteristics of two smaller single suction pumps or one larger single suction pump, offering superior performance in terms of efficiency, maintenance and footprint. For pumps in the 5400 series (all models and sizes) and 5700 series (Angle Flow 10" through 30" T Frame & L Frame), we supply replacement parts for all assemblies, and/or complete replacement pumps, and most parts for 5900, 5500 and Westco pumps. DE CV. Capacities: 15 to 75,000 GPM (3 to 17,034 m 3 /hr) Heads: 5 to 300 feet (1. FairbanksMorseDefense. 020 23. Fairbanks Morse Defense 701 White Avenue Beloit, WI 53511 Phone: 1-800-356-6955 www. ! Jan 21, 2025 · Re: Fairbanks Morse pump restoration Looks like I will need about 4 feet of 3/8 packing, there are 6 rings plus a brass spacer in the middle to allow the grease into the packing. The Fairbanks Nijhuis vertical axial flow propeller pump is designed to handle the movement of a high volume of water at a low discharge pressure. Fairbanks Morse Sewage Pump Parts. Fairbanks Morse Defense has mastered that balance over more than a century, configuring the delivery of every customer engagement to meet the needs of the moment. The Fairbanks Nijhuis vertical mixed flow propeller pump is designed to handle the movement of a high volume of water at a low discharge pressure. 49 23. Biltogether Pump The 5400 Series solids handling pumps are available in a biltogether configuration. 5 to Fairbanks Morse Pump *CSA Listed for frame sizes 210, 250, 320, 360 and 365 only. 43 52. 50 .
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