Digimon purple deck 2021. Feb 21, 2025 · Hi Khai here from Brunei.

Digimon purple deck 2021 Main Play Idea: With Titamon, Discard Eyesmon to revive Promote and spawning Eyesmon as well. The LV7 Millenniummon, there is around 90% decks use him in purple. [BT6-112] BeelStarmon is a Secret Rare card that is introduced for purple. This is update on 6 Jan 2021: after BT4 Great Legend is introduced, there is many type of Rookies now in tournament: green-blue rookie, purple This will download all images used in this deck and zip them up for you. Image From Top to Bottom: Winner / 1st Runner-up / 2nd Runner-up Jan 8, 2021 · My deck is to be properly build evolution-base from LV2/3 to LV7, but Joshua's deck is more flexible to hard-play from LV4 with only 3 costs (Fugamon). The Gabumon from BT1 give draw+1 when play, Gabumon from BT5 is able to get up-to 2 cards from deck (one contains"garurumon" and one contains "Omnimon") to put to hands, this is easy to achieve because this deck uses many garurumon and Omnimon. Dandevi can be summoned for free if there is 7 or more digimon with "devimon" in its name in trash, this effect is not easy to use in early of the game so try to hold the DemiDevimon to play in later time of the game, the best scenario is to put him under digivolution Feb 23, 2024 · Digimon Card Game new product. !! Shoutmon DX – Red becomes so much more Powerful; The Best First Draw for Megazoo Deck. To utilize this, there will be cards with abilities that send cards from my deck to the trash so then I can use those abilities to play those cards are longer cost. During the time deck is a powerful deck in terms of aggression but It has always been lacking a sense of control and comeback. Let see how it works. This deck focuses on deleting your opponent's Digimon and utilizing powerful combos to control the game. The most popular LV6 digimon are Beelzemon and the promo MetalGarurumon. The promo MetalGaruru dominates many purple deck after his debut at the end of November. )[Main] <Digi-Burst 2> (Trash 2 of this Digimon's Digivolution cards to activate the effect below. The syntax is: Quantity CardNumber. yourplaymat. Jan 5, 2021 · This deck has a good level ratio (in my opinion): 12 cards LV3 digimon, 11 cards LV4 digimon, 10 cards LV5, 6 cards for LV6 and 2 for LV7 digimon. She has an effect that is meaningful only when hard-played and synergizes with 7-cost option cards and cards from the [Three Musketeers] type, making her versatile in either purple decks, blackd decks, red decks or security control decks. Digimon Card 2021 Digimon English TCG Starter Deck: Machine Black - per Deck of 54 Cards. This card is only 2 costs. His deck also use [Bt3-062] Ludomon, a LV3 legend-arms in black color to draw Ragnaloard and other Legend-arms digimon faster. The centric strategy for this deck is Plutomon – "when digivolving: Draw 2, then may play a purple option card with 6 or less cost for free". I Have been a fan of RP imperial for a long while since EX3 release. Get it as soon as Saturday, Mar 1. Feb 21, 2025 · The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Digimon Card, including card images, info, level, rank, attribute type and card text, is copyright May 19, 2021 · The combo of [BT6-019] Gabumon and [BT6-030] Gabumon Bond of Friendship can check 3 opponent's security cards and return up-to 3 opponent's level 5 or lower digimon to the bottom of their deck because the second "when attacking" effect of LV7 Gabumon Bond of Courage is not limited [Once Per Turn], so as long as the LV7 Gabumon can be unsuspended and do another attacking, it can remove one more Nov 24, 2021 · [ST10-06] Mastemon is a very strong purple LV6 that has DNA digivolve effect. This has been the closest match that I have played against, as I had only won by deck-out with my opponent’s misplay on digivolution into Omnimon Zwart without using Fuse into Ultimate Digimon option. digimon ghost game [lm-01] others limited card set 2023; others official card sleeve 2023; others tamer goods set ex; others tamer’s evolution box2; others official card sleeve 2022; others official card sleeve 2021 ver. In Japanese meta, ST9/10 are introduced before BT8 New Awakening is released, but in ST9/10 and BT8 are released in the same day for English format. Jun 1, 2021 · BT4 Japanese purple meta got the Plutomon and 6-cost option card Hell Gate is to accommodate purple-favourite player, the new promo [P-027] MetalGarurumon purple deck (Tier 1. [Bt2-039] Magnadramon is to recover up-to 2 security when played and [BT2-049] Puppetmon will rest 1 opponent's digimon and all opponent's digimon cannot make active in opponent's next turn, this help to at least delay one more turn of security attacking. Search deck with colors: red or blue or green or purple or hybrid or black or yellow keywords. Everything about 2021 Final Championships; [JP/BT20] Khai: Red Purple Imperial Deck; Most Popular Post. Search deck's type such as ROOKIE or Security Control Search specific card in which deck using card ID , for example "ST1-16" to search deck that contains Gaia Force card. The single purpose of this deck upload is to showcase how we can now use card tooltips and imagery on DigimonCard to enhance our Deck Descriptions! ️. 1 day ago · The set will feature some exclusive promo cards, a new wave of dual-color memory boosts featuring pairs such as red/yellow, blue/purple, yellow/green, green/black, black/blue, and purple/red. Upper Text [Security] Play this card without paying its memory cost. 3 copies of [BT5-071] Guilmon, the most common digimon Oct 10, 2020 · A great addition to the deck as when played from hand, by destroying a Digimon of your own, you get to destroy a level 5 or below Digimon on the other side. 75. $14. What we should summon from trash: – Summon 2 blocker digimon if your opponent has many digimon in the battle. Purple promo-card [P-027] MetalGarurumon can be used in Omegamon Zwart deck, digiburst 2 with its digivolution source to play Nail Bone, or Necrophobia or Trump Sword for free. There are some weaknesses that are found in EX1 Machinedra deck such as: It needs time to set up the Machinedarmon line, consider you are lucky to draw Machinedramon early. Deck Composition Details Deck Color Deck Profile Deck Name Date Country Author Placement Tournament Host; 4nBT1-002a1nBT2-001a2nBT5-008a2nST7-03a4nBT6-009a3nBT6-082a3nBT6-084a2nEX1-002a2nBT7-009a2nBT7-082a3nST1-07a3nST7-06a3nBT6-011a1nBT6-014a4nBT6-015a4nBT6-016a1nBT5-086a2nBT1-085a1nBT3-097a3nP-035a1nST7-12a3nBT6-093a1nEX1-072 I used to watch Digimon a ton when I was a child, so this new card game really excites me. <Security Attack +1> (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card. com/?aff=101Unique Code: MARIOSGAMING10YPI built Purple Garurumon Nokia for t Feb 19, 2021 · For LV3 digimon, I use full set of Gabumon, now you can figure out what is my strategy … yes, this deck uses Nokia Shiramine Tamer. I used 3 copies of new BT6 Goblimon to boost LV6 Digimon DP +2000 DP, especially for Titamon to have 16000 DP. This set will be exclusive to Premium Bandai, so don't forget to make a pre-order on their website. This is done on your computer and could take a minute or so to complete so please do not close the page. 5) that used to made many Victories in Japan, but we have one more profile for purple color in BT4 English meta, that is DoneDevimon deck. Feb 21, 2025 · Hi Khai here from Brunei. Aug 8, 2021 · BT6 New Deck Intro: Is Gabumon BOF – AncientGaruru Going to be in Tier-1; BT6 New Deck Intro: The Future of Rookie Rush with Lv7; BT5 Detailed Deck Review – Yellow Lordknightmon; Stater Deck ST7-8 Q&A; Bandai: New Q&A added on 23th April 2021; Detailed Rule Explanation Ver1. Peculiar though is the fact that we had not seen or compiled such a deck yet from any tournament outside of Singapore. Dec 15, 2021 · The real excitement comes from [EX2-074] Beelzemon: Blast Mode, an almost exclusive LV7 Digimon made for its archetype. [BT2-072] Kimeramon synergize amazing with rookies such as Impmon (trash 3 when destroyed) , Tapirmon (Draw 1) and any Digimon evolving from Gabumon. . The other option card is [BT2-108] Grisly Wing, to play a LV3 purple digimon from trash for free. Refer to our post "A Rookie Rush Deck Review" for detail review on a blue + purple + green deck. The ban/restriction list is applied from Feb 1 2022 for Mega Digimon Fusion, Eyesmon, ReinforceMemoryBoost, SaviorHuckmon and Icewall for Japanese format. This card is very useful for rookie-rush or retrieve the LV4 blocker from trash. 8 out of 5 stars 105 Aug 1, 2021 · The tools of this deck is make use of playing Digimon from the trash, and gain some resources when you Digimon are deleted, as well as, try to limit your opponents resource use. For the distribution of this deck, there are 14 cards for LV3 digimon, 13 cards for LV4 digimon, 8 cards for LV5 and 7 cards for LV6. 2. Advanced Deck Search Use advanced filters to search decks. Notes: After some plays, too many Champions, need to test a little bit more to balance out. Deck-List searching Keywords for all Meta is here. Jan 21, 2021 · Using the diguburst LV6 digimon is to make sure you have more digimon in trash to revive. Oct 10, 2020 · A great addition to the deck as when played from hand, by destroying a Digimon of your own, you get to destroy a level 5 or below Digimon on the other side. New Power The [EX1-046] Kurisarimon 's inherited effect is: when 1 of your another Digimon with the same name as this Digimon is deleted, unsuspend this Digimon . Beginner Guide Aug 20, 2021 · [BT7-111] Lucemon FDM is a new threat in purple color, it destroys an opponent's LV6 digimon or a tamer using its "On Play" or "When Digivolving" effect. Card Number is required but Card Name is optional. Red Decks Blue Decks Yellow Decks Green Decks Purple Decks Black Decks White Decks See full list on pokemondeal. Apr 12, 2021 · A particular purple deck engine dubbed the Lilithmon Loop has been making rounds in the DCG Singapore League, devastating the many players who have faced it. If 1 memory remains, digivolve Eyesmon into another Promote to give rush. Nov 13, 2021 · Purple Titamon Deck: Jun 16, 2021: Japan: Tami: 1st Place: tamer Battle: DIGIMON CARD META Proudly powered by WordPress PHP Code Snippets Powered By : XYZScripts. [Main][Once Per Turn] You may place 5 cards with [Hybrid] in their traits from your trash under this Tamer in any order to digivolve it into an [EmperorGreymon] in your hand for its digivolution cost as if this Tamer is a level 5 red Digimon. Tournament Breakdowns Deck Builder Trending Decks. com Import a deck into the Deck Builder from a text list. Sep 3, 2021 · BT7: A Deck for Lucemon Falldown Mode; A Fun Post: Please ban Lilith-Loop; The Case of Lilith Loop in BT6; Will Alphamon join BT6 Meta Top Tier List; BT6 New Deck Intro: Titamon, a cheap SR with huge Potential; BT4 English Meta: What is different with Japanese Meta; Stater Deck ST7-8 Q&A; Bandai: New Q&A added on 23th April 2021; Detailed Rule Jan 27, 2022 · Search specific card in which deck using card ID, example "ST1-16" to search deck that contains Gaia Force card. Mar 7, 2021 · Author rononrun Posted on March 7, 2021 April 7, 2021 Categories Deck Review, Thoughts Tags #purple 2 thoughts on “Tier-0 Crusadermon Deck Analysis” Pingback: When Kentaurosmon and Crusadermon team up | DIGIMON CARD META Aug 1, 2021 · This deck has: 12 LV3 Digimon cards, 8 for LV4, 9 for LV5 and 8 cards for LV6 Digimon. Search specific card in which deck using card ID , example "ST1-16" to search deck that contains Gaia Force card. Inherited effect: When this Digimon has [Myotismon] in it's name, all your Digimon with [Retaliation] can attack your opponent’s LV4 or lower unsuspended Digimon. Jul 13, 2021 · Here are the match-ups against my Security Control Deck for the last July 3 local tournament: Round 1 vs. Dec 22, 2020 · In yellow, Lucemon (being a LV3 digimon) can be summoned from hand at 0-cost using [BT2-039] Magnadramon and [BT3-039] Angewomon. Jun 2, 2021 · There is 4 types of LV3 digimon are using in this deck. Jun 24, 2021 · Effect: [Your Turn] When this Digimon digivolves into a Digimon with [Myotismon] in name from your hand, reduce the memory cost of the evolution by 1. Mastemon mechanic works well till BT9 meta, it also perfectly suits with the BT8 Ophanimon. 0; BT4/5 New Deck Intro: 19000 DP blocker with Reboot; Common Mistake in Ruling; A Bit of Digimon Card Game History: The First Version; A strategies Purple deck with Plutomon and Cerberusmon Deck Name: Purple Zoo Author: Kelvin Date: 9/21/2021 Country: Australia Tournament: Store Championship ; Placement: 3rd Place Host: Akikambara Purple Malyotismon Deck: Apr 4, 2021: Japan BT3 meta: Obara: 1st Place: Tamer Battle: BSSPChannel: 4nBT5-006a2nBT2-069a4nBT2-070a4nBT3-076a4nBT5-071a2nST6-04a2nBT2-072a1nBT3-083a4nBT5-076a4nST6-08a3nBT2-078a2nBT3-085a4nBT5-079a4nBT2-081a2nBT5-082a3nBT2-090a2nBT2-107a3nBT5-106: Purple: VIO_VMGA_TTM: Purple Metalgaruru deck: Apr 4, 2021: Japan The "Starter Deck Complete Set 2021" was was released alongside ST-9: Starter Deck Ultimate Ancient Dragon and ST-10: Starter Deck Parallel World Tactician as an Amazon exclusive in the Japanese Format 1x of both ST-9: Starter Deck Ultimate Ancient Dragon and ST-10: Starter Deck Parallel World Tactician 60x Sleeves 1x Half Size Storage Box The Storage Box was later release in the ENG game with Jan 19, 2021 · All the Megazoo deck will use the maximum copies of Magnadramon and Puppetmon, it is a must. Twitch: https://twitch. 2 copies of Amageddemon and 1 copies of Zwart as for LV7 Digimon, 7 option cards and 3 Arata tamers. Mar 31, 2021 · The deck for Dandevimon also need to play 4 copies of new purple promo card [P-034] Demidevimon and 4 copies of DanDevimon. 0; Common Mistake in Ruling; A strategies Purple deck with Plutomon Aug 13, 2021 · The deck list below is what I used for the 11 August Midweek Grind that was inspired by Richmond Ngui’s deck used in Arken Hobby Center Remote Workshop Battle last Saturday (7 August 2021), which is the usual standard BOC deck except for a few things. Dec 2, 2020 · The new option card in new starter deck, [ST6-16] Nail Bone (7 costs – to play a purple LV3 and purple LV4 digimon card from trash). However do note that too many Lucemons will inevitably lock down your hand, since you will either be relying on an attacking Magnadramon or a LV6 digimon digivolved from Angewomon. Example: 3 BT1-084 or 3 Omnimon BT1-084 per line. Purple Lilithmon Loop Deck: Win 2-1. )・Play 1 purple level 3 Digimon card from your trash without paying its memory cost. Sep 24, 2021 · Eyesmon* are becoming the most popular LV4 purple Digimon to be used in any bt7 purple mechanic, it provides a new effective rushing methodology that is what they need for a purple deck. Starter Decks,BCL2611042 4. 0; others official card sleeve 2021; others official card sleeve; others official card case Date: 11/27/2021 Country: Spain [JP/BT20] Khai: Red Purple Imperial Deck [JP/BT20] Ami: Royalknight Becomes Stronger in BT20 Format. If I play against Security Control or 3 Musketeers, the opponent normally gives a lot of memory for the turn, so I will play the LV3 yellow Lucemon for 5 costs to trigger "Recovery +1" then digivolve it into LV5 Purple Lucemon FDM to destroy Jun 8, 2021 · BT6 New Deck Intro: Titamon, a cheap SR with huge Potential; BT6 Meta – First weekend Tourney Report; BT6 New Deck Intro: Is Gabumon BOF – AncientGaruru Going to be in Tier-1; New Deck Intro: BT-06 Beelko-ntrol; New Deck Intro: BT-06 Jesmon Brigade; Decks Ideas for BT6 Double Diamond (Part 2) BT6 Deck Idea: Eosmon Deck Counting Total Estimated Deck Price: This tool attempts to find the lowest Market Price for each card on . Aug 21, 2021 · Surprisingly, the Machinedramon deck continues receiving support in BT7 next adventure, triggering me to further optimize the deck and preserve the Machinedra power. Apr 13, 2021 · The main purpose to use this combo is to destroy 1 opponent's LV6 digimon that has play cost of 12 or less, and play for free 2 black or purple digimon cards that has play cost of 8 or less from trash. Jan 6, 2021 · Currently, most Rookie Rush decks play a blue as a base color with green and sometimes purple mixed in. So if you are the type of love to think, to program the game, then try to build a Purple deck and have fun with your friends. Top-4 Decks and the Winners Top-16 Battle Result: Jan 27, 2021 · The cheap to digivolve blocker and option card Trump Sword takes 95% used in purple decks. Feb 17, 2021 · Shoutmon Deck Review; A BT5 Diaboromon Deck Introduction; A Blue Omegamon deck with support from Hexeblaumon; Early Review: BT-05; A Delusional Strategy to Win in 2 Turns. Go into Weregarurumon once you have five cards in the trash to get a +5000 DP. Feb 28, 2021 · While it is only natural to run this deck with the [BT5-086] Omegamon for his synergy with <Advance>, there are occasions when it may not be the best choice, such as (1) when attempting to destroy an opponent's Digimon that has <Retaliation>, (2) when attempting to destroy many Digimons with the same name, and (3) when you cannot attack/block due to an effect. Absolutely barebones semi-budget purplehybrid deck thats super straightforward and loaded with good stuff to act as a toolbox to solve your problems as they come up Aug 13, 2021 · BT6 Meta: A Tweaking Security Control Deck; 1st Place Premier TO Event – Tournament Report (Europe) English Format – A Blue Yellow Aggro Deck, A Unique Build; TAK 3rd Place Oceania Tournament Report (Australia & NZ) The BT6 Idol Star Beelstarmon – Tier 1 deck; BT6 New Deck Intro: Is Gabumon BOF – AncientGaruru Going to be in Tier-1 Jan 18, 2021 · A new purple SR LV6 digimon, [Bt5-081] ChaosGallantmon (ChaosDukemon), is very powerful and useful for purple deck strategy overall. Only 16 left in stock Aug 9, 2021 · BT6 Meta: A Tweaking Security Control Deck; 1st Place Premier TO Event – Tournament Report (Europe) TAK 3rd Place Oceania Tournament Report (Australia & NZ) BT6 New Deck Intro: Is Gabumon BOF – AncientGaruru Going to be in Tier-1; BT5 Detailed Deck Review – Yellow Lordknightmon; Stater Deck ST7-8 Q&A; Bandai: New Q&A added on 23th April 2021 Jan 30, 2022 · First, I started playing at the end of BT4 with the purple Structure Deck and I get started against a Security Control, and, as obvious, I lost several times but as a goal I said “I must win against that deck” and I get my playsets of LadyDevimon (BT3-088) and Metalgarurumon (P-027) and finally I get my first win doing 3 Nail Bone in a turn. There is 2 main effect this card provide: Effect 1: <When Digivolving> You may delete one of your other Digimon to delete one of your opponent’s LV5 or lower Digimon. Once you have the memory for it, go into Nail Bone to bring back two basic Digimon from your trash. Search decks with colors: red or blue or green or purple or hybrid (multi-color decks) or black or yellow keywords. Mar 5, 2021 · This deck has 4 copies of him in the deck, do you know this card is not cheap… The option card Demoniac Disaster, with 2 copies, 1 cost to play to "delete one of your digimon to unsuspend 1 of your purple's digimon. I think this deck is fun to play, I will definitely try out. com. There is 3 Tamers and 6 option cards. 3 copies of [BT5-071] Guilmon, the most common digimon Nov 13, 2021 · Purple Titamon Deck: Jun 16, 2021: Japan: Tami: 1st Place: tamer Battle: DIGIMON CARD META Proudly powered by WordPress PHP Code Snippets Powered By : XYZScripts. Import a deck into the Deck Builder from a text list. Dec 14, 2020 · Today's deck profile features my UNDEFEATED, FIRST PLACE Purple Toolbox deck profile for the Digimon Card Game, defeating and destroying other top decks in t Mastemon is a fun new Mega in the Digimon Trading Card Game, Set 1. A purple deck based off discarding. Date: 7/3/2021 Country: Japan Tournament: Tamer Battle ; Placement: 1st Place [JP/BT20] Khai: Red Purple Imperial Deck [JP/BT20] Ami: Royalknight Becomes Stronger Nov 2, 2021 · BT6 New Deck Intro: Titamon, a cheap SR with huge Potential; Stater Deck ST7-8 Q&A; Bandai: New Q&A added on 23th April 2021; Detailed Rule Explanation Ver1. 75 $ 14. Mar 30, 2021 · Pagumon, the Digi-Egg of this deck, and the Digimon Gabumon help you ramp your deck by trashing Digimon from your deck or your hand. BANDAI | Digimon Card Game: Starter Deck - Ancient Dragon ST9 | Card Game | Ages 6+ | 2 Players | 10 Minutes Playing Time, Multicolor,1. This card can be used to destroy a LV3 digimon or Megidramon when needed to unsuspend other purple digimon. The main idea is basically to turbo out the biggest Veemon digivolutions as fast as possible. There is many powerful LV7 digimon that have 15000 DP that can be in opponent's security stack, a high DP will be needed and safer for a multi-checking digimon like Titamon. Jan 22, 2021 · The deck ultimate mission is to protect Diaboromon, that is the reason why "Reboot" and blocker are majority of the deck. A strategies Purple deck with Plutomon and Cerberusmon; Deck Review: An Over-Power Search deck with colors: red or blue or green or purple or hybrid or black or yellow keywords. I'm not sure if this is super good or anything, but it's fun. tv/mariogamingworldYour Playmat: https://www. Anyway, point is, Veemon is pretty cool so here's a deck centered around him. Just looking at his effects make him a very desirable card: a deletion effect when trashed from deck, a (potentially board-wiping) deletion effect when digivolved, and is very aggressive in security-checks. Jan 8, 2021 · You really have to think hard when playing a purple deck, the game is very slow because they keep counting and checking their trash, they even lost the game because there is no more card to draw. This is one of the first Digimon decks that was uploaded to DigimonCard. Mar 13, 2021 · With a restriction list (Mar 1, 2021) targeting [BT2-047] Argomon and [BT3-103] Hidden Potential, and a lack of offensive buffs in the most recent BT-05 expansion set, green decks have seen themselves taking a large step back from limelight. All about Digimon DC-1GP Before this promo Lobomon, we already had 4 type of blue hybrid digimon, those are LV3 Strabimon with the effect to search for hybrid digimon and blue tamer from deck to put to hand, the [BT4-025] Lobomon to evolve into a tamer with 2 cost or another LV4 hybrid Garummon (3 cost to evolve, so we rarely use him), LV5 hybrid is Beowolfmon – a very good LV5 to use in any blue deck, especially Jun 23, 2021 · Ranking: 1st: Syron / Deck Name: Yellow Green RookieRush 2nd: Farhan / Deck Name: Red Omni Jesmon 3rd: Azib /Deck Name: Purple Beelstar. 5 Format! Check out this budget purple Digimon TCG deck!Also, share this video with friend Import a deck into the Deck Builder from a text list. It used some rather basic cards such as Myotismon (BT2-075) and Boltmon (BT3-089). Search deck type such as: ROOKIE or MEGAZOO or RECOVERY decks. Feb 28, 2022 · 8 Yellow Hybrid, 1 X-antibody, 2 Purple Maste-Ophanimon, 1 Beelzemon Deck, 1 Blue Hybrid with Leomon, 2 Blue-Green Imperial and 1 Beelstarmon. otxcvf krjiy pui fbyzxtz jbtl qfktjf qfdj roshwv pibz qclqiv hqkcz gir cdktixex xvmfe qeomg